Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Tell Difference Between Mono And The Flu

University of politically influential joke is no longer a laughing

strong desire Tantabni To begin this article about the collapse of higher education from the subjective experience at the university, since I am still in the ranks of students also argue ..

after many of the impasse school Psychological and found myself not die for something typical student body, beginning when she earned a baccalaureate superior marks in most of the materials (arts section), the conflict broke out Existential father entrusted with the critical psychological sense as well, as was my desire to enter the branch of sociology that I was fascinated at that stage the views of Ibn Khaldun progressive ones, And studies on modern Arab societies, which you recite from time to time, but my father who was the first safe in me to write, and the first effort to blow up everything you believe in him Unfortunately, he went early in the morning to the niche differentiation of the first recorded my desire (Department of Journalism), and did not protest something Ivedny not complaining or crying also ...

and I still remember the day the university First when he received his car, which followed my lecture first, before even out the door to college, about the golden opportunity that I had to build my character and my culture for Anime, and orientation Intellectual and political will make me an individual actor in the process of civilization and social progress. I did not and only time the little girl who wore a loose shirt and light sports with Crimped hair back and eyebrows Kthein, the girl who sat on the steps of the door of the journalism department, crying because they did not know any wall program university lectures .. And the wall is what struck his offer Later all the books and university lectures which I received in this place ...

no doubt that my father belonged to an earlier generation of work in raising awareness of the role of intellectuals in society, and its relationship to Btabqath, and dedication Of the political phase which belongs to paying great importance to the classics of materialist thinking, and theorizations of its symbols, and the writings of party leaders because of its ability to clarify ambiguous visions, And crystallize vague ideas, and drawing plans relating to the issues, and also its contribution in the promotion of what is prevalent, or call to change what exists, where the university life Closely linked to the movement of political parties. This matter is still of interest to Arab intellectuals to now, even at this stage, political uncertainty, in other words; The Bookworm University in that period has not only dream but to seek to change the reality for the better, and this quest is not limited to delays in the collection of knowledge but also to the exercise of political awareness and intellectual On the ground.

but this generation seems to be different, not in terms of principles and values that he believes in, but also the political and the period, which tests as well, not to mention the sweep of globalization Dari of the campus ...

Despite the existence of a paragraph in the Permanent Constitution (1973) states that "Every citizen has the right to participate in political life," but that the applicant is not interested in science today so At all and may never have heard this right! It has not yet been issued a political parties law regulates and codifies its existence. Apart from that; First, it is not a cultural level, which qualifies To take a role in it, and this brings us to another interview about the collapse of the system pre-university education. Second, the majority of youth organizations, which belong to different parties, appear to be effective with Lack of material support by the government, and with the monopoly of the National Union of Syrian Students of any political activity in university life.

that both of these reasons are what makes the student University ideologue and intellectual, and politically influential, old joke do not laugh of youth and young women in the Faculty of Arts, today demanded more interested in the phase of the burden of study has not been empty for life Practical relevance, and it is no secret that the presence of a significant proportion of the fugitives outside the walls of the university to the hell, another work in the private sector, pending graduation with the least possible losses Psychological, with a teaching staff does not know a precisely how most of whom have been awarded Ph.D. authorize them swoop in on the rest of the convolutions of the student's intellectual, and here is no need To worry about the lack of success in the material, with the presence of administrative corruption and bribery among the corridors of power prosperous sections ..!!

While the students of yesterday they were worried about big issues in their communities, Busy most of the undergraduate students with the latest rage, the third generation of mobile phone, with an almost complete collapse of the values of intellectual and political ...

lover last university Gemayel, who was standing bewildered in front of his colleague for a book about Ember (organizational principles of the proletarian party) of the "Lenin", not like a student Reclining on the wall, to guide his colleague (CD) Songs form fad is ...

, any foreign trip by one of the College (Arts, for example), are able to detect educational and ruin the low level of education combined, has been infinite to Msamek O visits the Faculty of Arts fragments of the conversations of the type: This is similar to how many associates (Myriam Fares)?! How much is (Cole) that the young man, how many cars have a father so?!!

the moment .. What if I stood with the same Coterie And asked them a question: Why does not the Syrian mother is entitled to grant citizenship to her children? ... And here I hope to not be surprised if the yellow face of a peer and he replied: he did not want to talk politics ??!!!

At home, I mean in the auditorium, you can get a nap mid-day without discomfort, especially as the lecture delivered by Dr. sleeping pills have the effect of intensive ...

A university professor was deliberately Trsepe to in the article gives no reason, once the severity of despair clips wrote her song for Fairuz (reel you and Jay) on the answer sheet, Vajitni It gave me less than two degrees mark of success, with the beginning of the semester introduced me and whispered to me after the lecture if I completed the song ... you'll succeed. D8% A7% D9% 84% D8% AC% D8% A7% D9% 85% D8% B9% D9% 8A-% D8% A7% D9% 84% D9% 81% D8% A7% D8% B9% D9% 84.html


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