I read in the excellent technological war debate (s) the sentence of a co-author that I will not quote because it expresses a view widely shared by many people . This is not about people. " First, a basic reflection: no engineering training: it is a limit but it is also what allows you to take the height . If you understand, an engineer does not take up vis-à-vis the art but do not understand much about some techie help the better.

I propose a slightly different technological drift (always buy more high tech, ever more expensive). The main technological options are they still taken by engineers? No, most often it is the financial and policy makers who may not understand the ins and outs of choosing technological options. It then blames technology uninformed choices and, paradoxically, is blamed for increasing scientific obscurantism in science.
More broadly, engineering schools, young French people prefer move toward additional training in finance, communications or management (unlike many foreigners coming to train with us), knowing that business schools are very popular.
I do not even mention that professional courses are less popular (despised?) Than general education. It no longer produces enough to maintain our world-class long term, what is true in many areas.
A away from the production (industrial, agricultural, digital, weapons, etc..) And devalue (euphemism) those that produce the broad sense, we continue to "gain height", while discoursing on our fall and the alleged misdeeds of techno ... Amazing, no?
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