31/12/2010 to Arabs site Online
Arabic language and the challenges of the digital age
http://www.alarabonline.org/index.asp?fname =% 5C2010% 5C12% 5C12-30% 5C837.htm & dismode = x & ts = 30-12-2010% 2014 : 16:28 & utm_source = twitterfeed & utm_medium = twitter
d. Abdul Latif Hanachi
Arabic language is considered One of the most prevalent living languages in the world, spoken by more than four hundred and twenty-two million people, and taught formally and informally in most Muslim countries in the continents of Africa and Asia, but the language of the Qur'an know different challenges such as the retreat use when the Arabs themselves for the benefit of both English and French, and especially how it would deal with Modern technology at the level of the Internet.
In this regard, "said director of research and strategy in the" Microsoft "recently that the use of Arabic was not much use Because of the way the Internet is evolving. While the growing use of the Web in the Arab world since 2000, a faster pace than anywhere else in the world and with reduced costs Contact the World Wide Web is still sub-standard content and advertising expenditure is still small.
as it appears the contribution of the Arabic content is less than one per cent of the total World although Arabic speakers make up five per cent of the world's population, in addition to the number of words in Arabic Portal for Wikipedia on the Internet for example, Is lower than in the Catalan site.
In fact, the problem is not special in Arabic, the emerging scientific concepts may be understood in more than fifty per day. Known Many of the major difficulties and clear in this area, for example, France continued to suffer from a lack of a growing sector in the strict technical university teaching to the resort researchers constantly To foreign terms despite the efforts of dozens of competent bodies of the effort in this area ...
and one of the scientific studies indicate that the Arab engagement in the information age seems to Limited, with none of the over one billion users of the web only 550 thousand subscribers is Arabic and the Arabic language occupies a fraction under the rubble of a huge amount of web pages, between About 8 billion pages of English occupies 82 per cent in the time that occupies the rest of the languages of 18 per cent, a situation that clearly reflect the reality and Information for the benefit of the Fifty English language which will necessarily cultures "vulnerable electronically", and displays strong waves to her family out of the maze of belonging and identity conflict ...
indicate some Data related to the share of intellectual production in Arabic available does not exceed one and a half percent of the global intellectual production publication on the "WAP" in the time A world of the Internet an essential input to the world of knowledge and a source and a generator of knowledge, producer and distributor, and a store of information is indispensable ...
have been all of these issues and problems The subject of a symposium held recently, Tamimi Foundation for scientific research and information in Tunisia in partnership with the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Arab world at the University of Durham AED British, under the The title "Arabic language and the challenges of modern technology at the level of the Internet." The researchers from several Arab countries: Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Algeria, Syria, Qatar, Morocco, the maximum, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and other foreign: France, Britain, Russia, Serbia .. During the eight meetings of the 22 scientific intervention on topics related to the subject, Lecturers from which the whole of the importance of historical and cultural language, which is configured by Arab and a key mediator for the transfer of mobile cultural Arab - Islamic richest human Battaouath property for several centuries.
interventions also addressed some of the difficulties and constraints faced by the Arabic language in this area, so competition cultures, languages and systems Other information, and the significant rise in the number of science and applied technologies globalized, and the growth of the terminology associated with these sciences and technologies which are often Do not find her interviews in the Arabic language has also been research on issues of ideological link in Kalazdwagep "Arab / Amazigh, Arabic / Kurdish, Classical / vernacular, Arabic / French, Arabic / English ", and localization, and change the Arabic alphabet to write Latin, and incomplete infrastructure, telecommunication, and computer and show .. All in the form of obstacles facing the user at the level of the Arab broadcasting, research or communication.
was also discussed issues related to computerization and digitization of the Arabic language that treatment Mechanism for natural language and its applications, and automatic indexing, machine translation, and scanning OCR, and the search engines and the weakness of DAC ..
and important issues, with Serious impacts on the Arabic language, which speakers addressed what they called the "challenge of the new communicative" The primary issue in the quality of the writing that is imposed by the need To connect through social websites. With the exception of official and academic sites that use the Arabic language eloquence, resort, many individuals and many Social strata to the easiest ways to deliver their messages, using spoken language - and structurally variant spelling and grammar of the language of eloquence - or to use a hybrid language of Arabic Latin letters as well as images, figures and other forms of bizarre and alien ..
Speakers also addressed and discussed one of the most important issues that look like one of the characteristics of the Global South A lack of legislation on copyright and punctuation and the lack of application of the legislature and its negative impacts on the various creative individuals and the sector as a whole.
Participants also identified and analyzed some of the possibilities and mechanisms to overcome gaps in the Arabic language, from the need to increase the competitive potential through the strengthening of Arab scientific background, And through a science and applications and their integration into the cognitive map of the region, and face the lexical gap, including Arab crisis encyclopedias, encyclopedias on the Internet, Resolving issues of telecommunication infrastructure and computer, and digitization of the Arabic language problems and issues of software, indexing, translation, robotics, and scanning OCR, and motors Find, domain names, and the creation of Arab industry of digital content through the strengthening of infrastructure of information and telecommunication needs of the region and the imposition of the hardware manufacturers And software, to suit the linguistic and cultural specificities of Arab and meet the shortfall in the frameworks are specialized in content production, and scarcity of resources, as well as the shortfall In cooperation between Arab countries .. And the establishment of Arab rule digital three-dimensional shape of the three gates: Gate of Education Digital Arabic, and gateway infrastructure, digital Arabic The digital library, and the gate drive translation of modern Arabic; so as to avoid double-double of the holders of the Arabic language, which will only be achieved through reform of education and review Beidagojith curricula and, in addition to the need to accelerate the Arab states to enact legislation binding language and linguistic development of schemes to give priority to the Arabic language as the language of identity, Civilization and development and national security.
In parallel to this comes the necessity of regulating the relations of the Arabic language is also available in other living and to address the challenge of the new communicative through the understanding of the phenomenon New language of the Internet, and the absorption of modernist aspects and to avoid its negative aspects so as not to replace the new language Bnoaqsa in the future replace the written form of Arabic eloquence ...
is no doubt that pride in the national language, defend and develop an intuitive look at the issue of nations. The modern Arab renaissance in one of the most important facets and implications of linguistic renaissance Basically, sought to develop the Arabic language and updated to keep pace with the times and repel the challenges faced by that time, more than one level, is that the emergence of the "state of Arab independence," have contributed to Largely in the decline of the language and "Tklsha" and limit their spread as a result of the lack of institutions with a foster efficient and effective safeguard the national language, and working to develop and enrich them.
French language, for example, which does not exceed Speakers by 300 million people, including the population of France, you find the care and protection as you do not find other language in the world. Since 1794 Any since the era of the French Revolution made by law for the dissemination of French language, and within what came in this law, "that French is the French nation." The text of Article III That: "starting from the date of July" July "in 1794 to prevent each employee or writer or official signing of the resolution or document in a language other gallimaufry, but all the contrary expelled from the service and imprisoned for six Months ".
The French State on the occasion of issuing two-hundredth anniversary of" 1994 "for the issuance of that law, a new law to protect the French language" Toubon Law ", in relation to the Minister of Culture, which Was behind its issuance, and took applied rigorously and relentlessly. There are also other laws in France required the French media, audio and video without the adoption of the French language Other only in certain limits, both for the public programs or films or documentaries different. One manifestation of France's keenness on the language and culture sent to the OAS Speaking in French in 1970 ..
In this context, and from that the Arabic language are the basis for Arab culture and founded on, and from the fact that "her case is the issue of security of the Arab nationalist" Basically, The participants at the seminar that all relevant institutions to address the situation of the Arabic language and decision-making to preserve and develop, use and achieve comprehensive, and the implantation of Cherish it and make it at the forefront of national concerns, national, and expressed the hope that interested in the upcoming summit of Arab cultural in this matter and taking its rightful place ...
To This confirmed Dr. Abdul Jalil al-Tamimi, that "everyone is invited to draft the language of advancement in the digital age, by Arab and a reality check and verbal interaction With various forms of expression and enrichment of the new technical content and how to address the realities of machine translation, adaptation, invention and the derivation of terms provided to us by international laboratories Successively on a daily basis "..
Perhaps one of the many qualities that are characterized by Tamimi Foundation for Scientific Research, Information and dean, the world is persistent, Mr. Jalil is the coupling has to say Indeed, without hesitation, despite the modesty of their financial and logistics .. This seminar were not in fact only an extension of the previous two workshops on scientific excursions Arabic, was held The first workshop on May 31 / May 2008 under the title "the language of crisis or the crisis of society," the second Vanakdt on Saturday, November 21, 2009 under the title stakes of language in the Maghreb and the challenges Internal and external "has been reissued in a book in the month of April of this year and we confidently await the issuance of this symposium exotic and pioneering in terms of content and quality issues Dealt with so that benefit the largest number of those interested in issues of the Arabic language in the era of the Internet and information ..
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
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in response to errors former Algerian Prime Minister Redha Malek on the Law of Arab *
by Dr Saadi Othman, head of the Algerian Association To defend the Arabic Al Quds Al Arabi
in an interview with the Algerian daily sunrise in the month of September last, Mr. Redha Malek, "they protested that the Arubans to article 29 of the Law of the dissemination of the Arabic language, because it affects the agreements concluded with foreign states. "This is not true, text of the said article as follows: (" Official documents of the liberated Language other than Arabic is invalid, the bear issued by or approved by, the responsibility of consequences "). This article is not related to the agreements concluded between the Algerian state And foreign States, and editor of these countries in their own languages, but on the French version provided by the Algerian state in its name in the conclusion of an agreement with a foreign country.
has already occurred That refused to sign the Austrian Minister of the French text of the Convention on Algeria in the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the grounds that it is unconstitutional, because Algeria's constitution provides in Article III That Arabic is the official language of Algeria. And postponed the signing of the Convention Algerian Austrian 24 hours, where the French text was translated in Arabic, translated and contributed to the Embassy Austria, Algeria. The major scandal of Algeria when the Minister of European Guenha a lesson in the need to respect its Constitution, and the Algerian Ambassador in favor of titles witness to this incident, scandal, and it seems That the Austrian government and warned ministers not to raise the future with Algeria, the language question and sign conventions in French, the Algerians because the fools do not respect the constitution. What is an aside, has decided to Andenossia former Ambassador Hamid Al-Azhar graduate sneezing Algerian foreign correspondent in Arabic, and was ordered to send a note in Arabic, The surprise was that the reply he received from the Department of Asian Affairs in French of course, as follows: "and draws the attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy that the language they are written in note Dated ... Does not have an answer, and if the embassy wanted to have a memoir by the only answer to what to write in French, "said the ambassador was asked of him and his ministry, and the transfer of already To an Arab country that respects Arabic (State Aliimarat).
participated Algerian Association for the Defence of the Arabic language in the liberation of the bill in question where edited Article 29 of the stop sign Agreements that represent the Algerian state in French, Arabic and the need to edit.
The historical record that the Algerian delegation, who was a member of satisfaction by the king, who had signed contracts Evian, which ended the French colonial Algeria, and signed the letter and the one which the French text, which the two delegations, such as Algerian and French, and signed the Geneva Convention of 1954 that ended colonialism French text Balvinam two texts of Vietnam and the French text.
indicated consent of its owner to free the American embassy hostages in Tehran, note that these were freed in accordance with the agreement bore Name of Algeria, signed in 1981 by three texts: the text, such as Persian and Iranian delegation, and text such as English and the American delegation, and the text, such as the French and the Algerian delegation headed by the mediator Minister for Foreign Affairs Muhammad Siddiq bin Yahya and proved that the language of Algeria is French. I remember Mr. Redha Malek that Mr. Brocnini French Le Figaro newspaper reporter in New York, Then expressed his happiness over the fact that the text of the three texts in French free, alien to this Convention and which has become important in considering the other institutes of international law in the world. I remember Influenced the offense sovereign Central Committee of the National Liberation Front Party, the presence of bin Yahya, who admitted to this violation and told me: Be careful not to that, I said to him: no doubt in Tunaitkm, But French is a drug you do not make you Tantbhon violation of the national.
consent of its owner, and he knows that Atagafbp similar trilingual bore the name of Paris, concluded in 1975 where he completed The U.S. war against Vietnam, signed by three texts: the text Vietnamese and English text, which like the U.S. delegation headed by Kissinger and French text, such as the country's median Under the chairmanship of Giscard d'Estaing.
Abstract: The Mr. Redha Malek belongs to the lobby Francophone enemy of the Arabic language, which aborted the Algerian revolution and make them give birth to the State Francophone Free of sovereignty. And the law of universal use of Arabic language puts an end to the influence of this lobby, but this has been frozen and is still frozen so far, since it was signed by President Chadli New Bin Urubi 1991.
by Dr Saadi Othman, head of the Algerian Association To defend the Arabic Al Quds Al Arabi
in an interview with the Algerian daily sunrise in the month of September last, Mr. Redha Malek, "they protested that the Arubans to article 29 of the Law of the dissemination of the Arabic language, because it affects the agreements concluded with foreign states. "This is not true, text of the said article as follows: (" Official documents of the liberated Language other than Arabic is invalid, the bear issued by or approved by, the responsibility of consequences "). This article is not related to the agreements concluded between the Algerian state And foreign States, and editor of these countries in their own languages, but on the French version provided by the Algerian state in its name in the conclusion of an agreement with a foreign country.
has already occurred That refused to sign the Austrian Minister of the French text of the Convention on Algeria in the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the grounds that it is unconstitutional, because Algeria's constitution provides in Article III That Arabic is the official language of Algeria. And postponed the signing of the Convention Algerian Austrian 24 hours, where the French text was translated in Arabic, translated and contributed to the Embassy Austria, Algeria. The major scandal of Algeria when the Minister of European Guenha a lesson in the need to respect its Constitution, and the Algerian Ambassador in favor of titles witness to this incident, scandal, and it seems That the Austrian government and warned ministers not to raise the future with Algeria, the language question and sign conventions in French, the Algerians because the fools do not respect the constitution. What is an aside, has decided to Andenossia former Ambassador Hamid Al-Azhar graduate sneezing Algerian foreign correspondent in Arabic, and was ordered to send a note in Arabic, The surprise was that the reply he received from the Department of Asian Affairs in French of course, as follows: "and draws the attention of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Embassy that the language they are written in note Dated ... Does not have an answer, and if the embassy wanted to have a memoir by the only answer to what to write in French, "said the ambassador was asked of him and his ministry, and the transfer of already To an Arab country that respects Arabic (State Aliimarat).
participated Algerian Association for the Defence of the Arabic language in the liberation of the bill in question where edited Article 29 of the stop sign Agreements that represent the Algerian state in French, Arabic and the need to edit.
The historical record that the Algerian delegation, who was a member of satisfaction by the king, who had signed contracts Evian, which ended the French colonial Algeria, and signed the letter and the one which the French text, which the two delegations, such as Algerian and French, and signed the Geneva Convention of 1954 that ended colonialism French text Balvinam two texts of Vietnam and the French text.
indicated consent of its owner to free the American embassy hostages in Tehran, note that these were freed in accordance with the agreement bore Name of Algeria, signed in 1981 by three texts: the text, such as Persian and Iranian delegation, and text such as English and the American delegation, and the text, such as the French and the Algerian delegation headed by the mediator Minister for Foreign Affairs Muhammad Siddiq bin Yahya and proved that the language of Algeria is French. I remember Mr. Redha Malek that Mr. Brocnini French Le Figaro newspaper reporter in New York, Then expressed his happiness over the fact that the text of the three texts in French free, alien to this Convention and which has become important in considering the other institutes of international law in the world. I remember Influenced the offense sovereign Central Committee of the National Liberation Front Party, the presence of bin Yahya, who admitted to this violation and told me: Be careful not to that, I said to him: no doubt in Tunaitkm, But French is a drug you do not make you Tantbhon violation of the national.
consent of its owner, and he knows that Atagafbp similar trilingual bore the name of Paris, concluded in 1975 where he completed The U.S. war against Vietnam, signed by three texts: the text Vietnamese and English text, which like the U.S. delegation headed by Kissinger and French text, such as the country's median Under the chairmanship of Giscard d'Estaing.
Abstract: The Mr. Redha Malek belongs to the lobby Francophone enemy of the Arabic language, which aborted the Algerian revolution and make them give birth to the State Francophone Free of sovereignty. And the law of universal use of Arabic language puts an end to the influence of this lobby, but this has been frozen and is still frozen so far, since it was signed by President Chadli New Bin Urubi 1991.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
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article I read
language of the internet world .. sexy!
Many imagine that the words 'Roche' and 'grind' is the new language in the currently prevailing among young people And adolescents, the fact that this language is now outdated, and claimed the crown, and was replaced by a new language is the language of the Internet used by youth and adolescents of the new generations and old Together via e-mail messages, chat rooms, to the extent that these are now considered that the words' Roshina 'and the renown' This has become for them now 'old hat' The extinct language of ancient and outdated!
at the beginning of Internet access to Egypt, and to the Arab region in general, there were not many sites use the Arabic language In dialogues and chat rooms, therefore, and because the need for the mother of invention, young people sought refuge from the first generation of Internet users to use English characters to talk in Arabic, For example, if someone wants to say to someone else 'I am happy', he says that this phrase so anamabsoot, and if he wants to say a young girl like her 'I Bahbk' he must say Thus anabahebbek.
However, with the passage of time and years, and the growing number of Internet users in the Arab world, as well as increasing the number of hours use of every young man and the girl to the Internet, Especially with the spread of the Internet in schools and universities and places of work and in coffee shops, and Internet access easily to every home, there is a need to develop the language of the internet these 'Anglo - Arab ', which showed a strange new terms to express all of the words, but there is plenty of room in the new language to use the shortcuts and the use of Arabic terms Reflect on the words at the same time: one Arab and one English,
if say for example: 'come Ndown Lod', a word meaning Let us carry this program on Computer, a word intended by the word Download in English often used on the Internet, look at how the act has become like in Arabic?! Also succeeded in the Arab Youth Find a solution to the problem of some Arabic letters which has no counterpart in English, such as Al Ain for example, or "ha" or a traitor, became one of them uses the characters to demonstrate English These characters, "ha writes Vhrv 7, and writes the character eye 3, and write a letter Tae 6,
original theme from here: Forums Love http://www.7oob.net/vb/t36383.html # post401538
so, if that someone named ' Ahmed 'and wanted to write his name on the internet, it can be written so a7med, and if one wanted to write the word' honey ', it is written so assal, It's become too easy, Indeed, some sites became the written characters, this is so that young people can recognize them easily, such as site 'Classic' famous to listen to Arabic songs, Its title Is: www6.arab.com, that is No. 6 in English is being used replace character Tae!
Not only this, but just use one word for the Internet network has meant that this person Recent use of the Internet, because the word has become more currently in use are the 'net' and not just the Internet, in order to prevent wasting time, and analogy, It is no longer acceptable to talk about a 'chat rooms', but recognized her name is 'chat', ie one word only. Not only when the letters that English Used instead of Arabic letters,
but English characters itself undergone a change, is no longer possible in the Internet to tell people you want to contact you: Iwantyoutocallme, but This sentence should be written thus: Iwantu2callme,
we note here that the letter u replaced you, and No. 2 replaced to, but the surprise is that the word also call this fashion are old is the other, Because there Telephone code on the net and can be used in such a phrase instead of typing the same word, and there are other symbols and images to replace some of the many words that are used constantly In the net, in order to facilitate the task of writing for all users of the Internet .. net!
There are also some great shortcuts like any great or wonderful, you are so gr8 any To No. 8 in English has become the place of the section 'Light' in the word 'Great'. And when someone wants to say to the other party on the chat: 'Wait for me I'll be back soon', Became enough to write brb which is a shortened English phrase says Iwillberightback and so on .. How in the world of net oddity ..
But the question that arises now is: What is the The position of the Arabic Language Academy, which occurs on the net?
language of the internet world .. sexy!
Many imagine that the words 'Roche' and 'grind' is the new language in the currently prevailing among young people And adolescents, the fact that this language is now outdated, and claimed the crown, and was replaced by a new language is the language of the Internet used by youth and adolescents of the new generations and old Together via e-mail messages, chat rooms, to the extent that these are now considered that the words' Roshina 'and the renown' This has become for them now 'old hat' The extinct language of ancient and outdated!
at the beginning of Internet access to Egypt, and to the Arab region in general, there were not many sites use the Arabic language In dialogues and chat rooms, therefore, and because the need for the mother of invention, young people sought refuge from the first generation of Internet users to use English characters to talk in Arabic, For example, if someone wants to say to someone else 'I am happy', he says that this phrase so anamabsoot, and if he wants to say a young girl like her 'I Bahbk' he must say Thus anabahebbek.
However, with the passage of time and years, and the growing number of Internet users in the Arab world, as well as increasing the number of hours use of every young man and the girl to the Internet, Especially with the spread of the Internet in schools and universities and places of work and in coffee shops, and Internet access easily to every home, there is a need to develop the language of the internet these 'Anglo - Arab ', which showed a strange new terms to express all of the words, but there is plenty of room in the new language to use the shortcuts and the use of Arabic terms Reflect on the words at the same time: one Arab and one English,
if say for example: 'come Ndown Lod', a word meaning Let us carry this program on Computer, a word intended by the word Download in English often used on the Internet, look at how the act has become like in Arabic?! Also succeeded in the Arab Youth Find a solution to the problem of some Arabic letters which has no counterpart in English, such as Al Ain for example, or "ha" or a traitor, became one of them uses the characters to demonstrate English These characters, "ha writes Vhrv 7, and writes the character eye 3, and write a letter Tae 6,
original theme from here: Forums Love http://www.7oob.net/vb/t36383.html # post401538
so, if that someone named ' Ahmed 'and wanted to write his name on the internet, it can be written so a7med, and if one wanted to write the word' honey ', it is written so assal, It's become too easy, Indeed, some sites became the written characters, this is so that young people can recognize them easily, such as site 'Classic' famous to listen to Arabic songs, Its title Is: www6.arab.com, that is No. 6 in English is being used replace character Tae!
Not only this, but just use one word for the Internet network has meant that this person Recent use of the Internet, because the word has become more currently in use are the 'net' and not just the Internet, in order to prevent wasting time, and analogy, It is no longer acceptable to talk about a 'chat rooms', but recognized her name is 'chat', ie one word only. Not only when the letters that English Used instead of Arabic letters,
but English characters itself undergone a change, is no longer possible in the Internet to tell people you want to contact you: Iwantyoutocallme, but This sentence should be written thus: Iwantu2callme,
we note here that the letter u replaced you, and No. 2 replaced to, but the surprise is that the word also call this fashion are old is the other, Because there Telephone code on the net and can be used in such a phrase instead of typing the same word, and there are other symbols and images to replace some of the many words that are used constantly In the net, in order to facilitate the task of writing for all users of the Internet .. net!
There are also some great shortcuts like any great or wonderful, you are so gr8 any To No. 8 in English has become the place of the section 'Light' in the word 'Great'. And when someone wants to say to the other party on the chat: 'Wait for me I'll be back soon', Became enough to write brb which is a shortened English phrase says Iwillberightback and so on .. How in the world of net oddity ..
But the question that arises now is: What is the The position of the Arabic Language Academy, which occurs on the net?
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Language and the Internet: Article
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study warned that the Egyptian the emergence of "parallel language" used by the Egyptian and Arab youth in their talks over the The Internet, threatens the fate of the Arabic language in the daily lives of these young people and cast a negative on culture and behavior of Arab youth in general.
The study prepared by the Centre National Social and Criminological Research in Cairo that the selection of youth culture and the language of their own is a rebellion against social order, so I invented a new kind of culture can not A decoded others.
educators, but experts said that young people use their own language is not a rebellion but a kind of escape from society, and that the adult language, respect for new and non- Mocking them as long as they are not inconsistent with public morals in society.
The study, prepared under the title "Arab youth culture", that "culture Fahlop" which appeared Between the youth community in the eighties, she went back strongly in the recently mounted on the shoulders of a group of economic variables, social and media as well; depending on the location space The island.
The study focused on a random slice of young people aged between 15 and 35, and detected the presence of the impact of the Internet on vocabulary traded between young people Web sites, blogs and chat rooms.
She explained that the nature of the Internet as a means of communication and quick rhythm has been accompanied by attempts to impose a number of rapid vocabulary And short of dealing with the youth.
Dr. Salah Ali Mahmoud, who prepared the study that the language of the Koran characters turned into symbols, numbers, and become a "ha" 7 "hamza" 2 "and the evil eye" 3 "and the word Write dialogue "7war" and the word Souad write "so3ad" and the word you write "u" .. Etc..
He said that the reality of our youth today and its refusal to participate in community issues has become does not bode well at all, especially in our society Arab young people away from the political and social activities as a result of vulnerability to external information.
interpreted by the researcher to young people's use to the language of modern parallel existence of a feeling of alienation They have driven to revolt against the social order and configure their own world away from the constraints of parents, "They make up the language as a mask in the face of others."
, "said Dr. Safwat World Information, Cairo University professor of the island revealed that the emergence of a new language among young people is normal between the duration and repeated again, and reflects the insurgency and the lack of social interaction with adults, and shows Usually in a distinctive pattern of language or clothing or daily behaviors.
He explained that the Internet is not alone responsible for the change the language of young people, many of the terms foreign deployed Among young people caused by the use of English as a deal in some workplaces, in addition to the deterioration of higher education who are not interested originally in Arabic, to the Arab drama And lead in the series and movies from the words of anomalies.
professor of media and acknowledged the existence of significant impact of the Internet on the reading habit of the Egyptians and Arabs, either reading books or newspapers And magazines, pointing out that the degree of benefit from the Internet or books depends on public awareness and willingness to collect and culture.
He pointed out that the Internet and the campaign of a revolution in World of communication and knowledge has become problematic with regard to the size of the freedom it provides, is the consideration of other great feature allows creativity and freedom of expression, but others believe that it still The roof of social control and moral values and threatens communities.
------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------
study warned that the Egyptian the emergence of "parallel language" used by the Egyptian and Arab youth in their talks over the The Internet, threatens the fate of the Arabic language in the daily lives of these young people and cast a negative on culture and behavior of Arab youth in general.
The study prepared by the Centre National Social and Criminological Research in Cairo that the selection of youth culture and the language of their own is a rebellion against social order, so I invented a new kind of culture can not A decoded others.
educators, but experts said that young people use their own language is not a rebellion but a kind of escape from society, and that the adult language, respect for new and non- Mocking them as long as they are not inconsistent with public morals in society.
The study, prepared under the title "Arab youth culture", that "culture Fahlop" which appeared Between the youth community in the eighties, she went back strongly in the recently mounted on the shoulders of a group of economic variables, social and media as well; depending on the location space The island.
The study focused on a random slice of young people aged between 15 and 35, and detected the presence of the impact of the Internet on vocabulary traded between young people Web sites, blogs and chat rooms.
She explained that the nature of the Internet as a means of communication and quick rhythm has been accompanied by attempts to impose a number of rapid vocabulary And short of dealing with the youth.
Dr. Salah Ali Mahmoud, who prepared the study that the language of the Koran characters turned into symbols, numbers, and become a "ha" 7 "hamza" 2 "and the evil eye" 3 "and the word Write dialogue "7war" and the word Souad write "so3ad" and the word you write "u" .. Etc..
He said that the reality of our youth today and its refusal to participate in community issues has become does not bode well at all, especially in our society Arab young people away from the political and social activities as a result of vulnerability to external information.
interpreted by the researcher to young people's use to the language of modern parallel existence of a feeling of alienation They have driven to revolt against the social order and configure their own world away from the constraints of parents, "They make up the language as a mask in the face of others."
, "said Dr. Safwat World Information, Cairo University professor of the island revealed that the emergence of a new language among young people is normal between the duration and repeated again, and reflects the insurgency and the lack of social interaction with adults, and shows Usually in a distinctive pattern of language or clothing or daily behaviors.
He explained that the Internet is not alone responsible for the change the language of young people, many of the terms foreign deployed Among young people caused by the use of English as a deal in some workplaces, in addition to the deterioration of higher education who are not interested originally in Arabic, to the Arab drama And lead in the series and movies from the words of anomalies.
professor of media and acknowledged the existence of significant impact of the Internet on the reading habit of the Egyptians and Arabs, either reading books or newspapers And magazines, pointing out that the degree of benefit from the Internet or books depends on public awareness and willingness to collect and culture.
He pointed out that the Internet and the campaign of a revolution in World of communication and knowledge has become problematic with regard to the size of the freedom it provides, is the consideration of other great feature allows creativity and freedom of expression, but others believe that it still The roof of social control and moral values and threatens communities.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
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Arabic blown Globalization .. Project hormesis
Arabic blown globalization .. Project hormesis
Habib Abdul Rab pleasure
if Geographical discoveries, which allowed the west we enter the Americas and pounce on them in the Renaissance, an achievement of Western civilization harmony and level of civilization at that time, Globalization, are other, distinct production of the same civilization, consistent with their scientific, technical and meet the needs of contemporary cosmic! ...
Arab culture is an open space
crisis in the evolution of the Arabic language before the age of globalization!
Digital Text and the challenges of the era of globalization
case of Arabic in front of these challenges, the three
means of emboldening the Arabic language in the digital time
Arab culture is an open space
no different luck Arab culture in the globalization of knowledge about other cultures based on technological progress of globalization on Edifice fertile creative force that can allow the rapid advancement of the Arab peoples and the restoration of the glory of an AFL
characterized by globalization, at least, creating a universal space of cognitive Vast wealth and resources, open to all peoples, can be a key starting point and progress and prosperity of those who interact with fluent! ... P «Digital Text» (articles, lecture video and photo, Computer software, books, a huge library ...), which reflects today's continents with a glance at lightning across the Internet, to read on any screen anywhere in the universe, the achievement of a civilized genius amazing Than every achievement! ... Any man today, for example, in any village lost in the universe, to download free software running on their computer language «Java» Books and learned, and utilized Is in the village, such as the latest technological institution in the world, making the most complex software or solve the most difficult scientific problems ...!
no different luck Arab culture in the globalization of knowledge From other cultures. Technological progress, which is based on the edifice of globalization fertile creative force that can either allow the Arab peoples (if owned by a project to develop culturally Language and education in which) the rapid advancement and the restoration of the glory of AFL, and either threatened Balaandhar rapid and humiliating begging on the outskirts of human civilization! ...
that globalization, Any environment such as a new vitality, blowing survival and prosperity with those who adapt quickly creatively. Has been able to China, which was translated Western scientific knowledge, technical and cultural Briefly and inspired by his experiences and knew how to intensify its presence and influence of knowledge, to grow and excel and exceed the most important countries in the West sometimes! ... Enough for example to note that the Chinese language, although difficult, Became the focus of today's highly demanded in the top French business schools and engineering colleges and universities. The turnout reached at the discovery of Chinese culture in France, culminated today too! Notes, for example, from the following seminars and cultural programs and books on modern French San Tzu's book: «The Art of War», which appeared in the sixth century BC, Which has become today «Book bedroom» senior French politicians and intellectuals together! ... Is not that evidence that the advancement of any civilization means the advancement of their language and culture, necessarily, regardless of The location of English at the Salon of civilizations, and on the West site in the leadership of the orchestra humanity since the Renaissance? ...
have proven experience of China and other emerging countries Modern wall that globalization is not deaf or temperamentally such as a wall-known Yemeni poet who said:
will continue to dig in the wall / either we have opened a gap of light and / or died on the face of the wall!
Inthal it is a wall light to those who dig the determination and intelligence! But death in the cold embrace him as much as an imperative for those lazy and trail, as it seems! Because «the courtyard of the slower» is the face The other the principle of «survival of the best», as practiced by «justice» globalization, which is unforgiving! They do not allow those in arrears to meet its challenges (as is the case with the Arab reality today), but collapse Maximum speed and scrambling to the bottom ...!
crisis in the evolution of language and Arab thought, before the era of globalization!
even today do not have any dictionaries« Iithimologip »of the assets of the words and history, Although it had its golden age in a leading role in the establishment of studies and exchange as the genius, and classification of vocabulary and arrange their roots and their derivations, and the formation of dictionaries
before Talk about the challenges of the era of globalization facing the Arabic language (like other languages) is required to recall that the Arab language and education did not solve the challenges after the pre-globalization Overcome by the West and the Far East before the era of globalization a time.
did not know Arabic, the language of universal civilization of the Middle Ages (such as Greek by birth, Then after that Latin, and English today), like the Arab education, any reforms or revolutions real emancipation of its commitment to the violent past restrictions, and makes them keep pace with need Age! ...
remained static, as appealing to the moods of some of the hardcore who Ihasrunha red lines if you do not Tndo never schemas in the language of the first centuries of migration! ... So I did not know any Updates or changes in its structure in relation to developments Qoamesha reflect the era. The increased gap between Qoamesha and language day after day: most of the words ceased to exist today Qoamesha writing And spoken, and most of her words and new uses are absent from dictionaries! ... Did not know of any repairs or facilities in the written cope with the requirements of modernity, like most languages. Not Has even today any dictionaries «Iithimologip» of the assets of the words and history, (because that would mean that the words and the beginnings of history, which tends not to have some fanatics Ozletha absolute), Although it had its golden age in a leading role in the establishment of studies and exchange as the genius, and classification of vocabulary and arrange their roots and their derivations, and the formation of dictionaries (including Dictionaries jinn and devils!), Although it was the first of the foundations of dictionaries, language dictionaries, since Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Faraaheedi the dictionary eye, and perhaps Asma'i before! ...
mention About it - what a tragedy! - Do not have today Rdaiv most modern terminology, to Tdho, also referred stigmatized them, «language not suitable for modern, with no terms »!...
Perhaps the Arabic language Today actually went bankrupt due to lack of time to keep pace with the digital: can not find where the student or teacher wandering, and became a scientific lecture or book on the Arab Internet rarest of the Phoenix tears! So, for example, has become a scientific subjects taught in foreign languages in private schools in the Arab world, and in many public schools as well. Not to mention the absence of Arab near-total in the teaching of scientific, technical and medical in almost all Arab universities, because of the use of modern knowledge to write! ...
Why does not speak Preachers for the tragedy and the hand to Dmorha and decay, rather than simply to Balishab via satellite to explain the language of questions and denouncing evil, and the only language to communicate in paradise (Globalization of the world, in the cultural side, it looks like a more pluralistic from the globalization of the Hereafter !)?.. Where officials of the influentials, strongly support the hormesis Arab projects and integration of movement and age? ...
and Arab education today, is the other, Wade is a plant (under construction Zlamia infrastructure as it is, since the era of decline that prevailed when the thought of my predecessor, one-way in the Arab culture Islamic heritage mental toppled the golden age, especially the thought Mu'tazili). Does not know the student criticism and rejection, and the question and the principles of causation and to prove. Do not develop a mental Strict scientific produced. Conversely, no one knows how the privilege of thinking, how will cancel and mind, and live a life of consumption and withdrawal! ...
highlighted what sets it apart from modern education In the West and the Far East that did not evolve from a starting point the principle of separation between «science fair» and «anthropogenic science», which has become today, phrased in modern high-end, which started from the idea Ibn Rushd, the main principle of modern education in the West: not allowed to touch the flag ideological religion or interfering with the affairs of temples, has no right to interfere in the affairs of religion and science school! ...
arise and grow the mentality of Arab rights in this environment (which separate him in thought and language of life and modernity) in a manner does not allow him to keep pace with the times, or entering an era of globalization from the widest doors! ... Down with the challenges of globalization on the head Kjlmod rock landed from «outside the text», sees a heavy burden terrible time coming from far in the future! Does not have the scientific mentality in a position to confront Or even absorbed. Increasing confusion, isolation and coma, and his sense of loss and deficit and failure and defeat! The world seems in his eyes Odgala riddled with danger and monsters. Escapes him, concern Bsikoloji naturally, about the identity of a mysterious cave features, belong to the golden centuries immemorial ...!
Digital Text and the challenges of the era of globalization
Most languages today have their codes, Sometimes called «banks Language». There are gates on the Internet to allow access for «bases graphs» huge and the specified search with it, or are processed automatically Total!
no doubt that the sensitivities and attitudes towards globalization differ from one individual to another. But they are similar in all amazed and astounded to« Digital Text », the greatest achievements of civilization Contemporary! ... The specifics of this provision several, very important and wealthy, did not notify the human mind and before that, I recall here only some of them:
a) is a hypertext: it joins all media Together, voice, image and video, interactive and beautiful container output, multi-dimensional! For this is the finest and the richest cultural media known to mankind since the dawn of history! ...
B) is the text of an open (not closed, such as paper-based text that begins with the first page and ends with the latter) thanks to the «super-text links» referred normally lines the bottom of any word, which Allow (when clicked) to move to another position in the same text or to any other text in any computer on the outskirts of the globe ...
c) is the atomic text indexing (indexing is all His words, not only chapters like the paper book), thanks to the so-called: «Search Engines» universal (such as Google, which currently contains more than 25 billion text, image and one billion, spread over half a million Computer) ... Thanks can access the digital text magically amazing: just enough to submit to Search Engines word model or a few words from the text or title, or words A few related to it, in order to put these motors in front of the reader and the text being on the screen in a few seconds! Not only that, but progress at the same time also, all the texts, documents and books On the Internet that contain those words model! ...
Digital Text globalization created three challenges head most of the competing cultures and nations in the face of today:
first challenge: the production of digital text
cognitive shift production of digital text knowledge, since the start of the Internet age, to one of the most important challenges facing the world's cultures. Rolled on The West and the Far East since the start of the nineties of the last century, major projects supported by States, universities and public institutions, building infrastructure for the digitization of knowledge and practical life Of the texts of scientific, technical, and a variety of cultural, studies, lectures and lessons for students from primary school to university, dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, geographic send live satellite Industrial direct ...
result today are glaring: Internet portals to build knowledge infrastructure to all of them (the gates of the official national projects and digital libraries free Specialized in various fields, the locations of educational institutions, public or private universities and research centers, teachers or students ...) full of pages and millions of digital books Scientific and cultural edifice, which constitute new communities knowledge! ... All heavily b «hypertext links high», which allows instantaneous transition to direct all the references Digital mentioned in those texts. Most of all rich-media audio and video images and three-dimensions, loaded with Pettmthelat laboratory tests and the texts of lectures, video and audio, Renewable and advanced in every moment! ...
There are also new components for building digital infrastructure of the knowledge humanity did not exist before the Internet, have become one of the most important fountains of knowledge on the level Cosmic: encyclopedias which are developed and instructive day, in an interactive collaborative Connie volunteers each in his own language, to add new knowledge or to translate the knowledge of others! ... Necessary Reference here to the Wikipedia, for example, that anyone can volunteer enriched in any language, which became the reference of millions of people every day! ...
second challenge: Intensification of knowledge translation using modern methods
fueled globalization urgent need to translate the Standing Knowledge of other languages and obtained an immediate fast! ... There is today (thanks to Computer, new computer science, especially science «Alhessobat linguistic») modalities of a new mechanism, allowing for the computer translation of the text without an interpreter, and instantly! Software Produced by these scientific and technical developments can now translate the book, or an Internet site, a few minutes. May still be translated as a result of inaccurate or good sometimes, especially when Translation of literary texts and linguistic complexity. But it helps to have the text of the initial ore is very fast, simply repaired and improved manually for the final translation! ...
third challenge: complete the infrastructure for digital language, and the start of digitization projects giant
Perhaps the most important components of the digital infrastructure base of any language are: 1) automatic optical reader Of characters, and 2) a code of language, 3) translation tools-intensive manual and automatic, 4) programs to correct the language and Engines Research is appropriate ...
automated optical reader is a program necessary baseline from For each language, converts the text allows the photographer a camera or a scanner (Scaner) into digital text that can be opened electronic publisher (such as «received»), and the archive file on your PC! ... Represents the transition Text from paper to stage digital text wander in the network computers Cosmic Internet, without exaggeration, a passage from the stage of ancient civilized much superior to the other ...!
any blog The language of a huge group (longer words billions) of samples of texts written or spoken, the following diverse range of sector-neutral sources (newspapers and magazines written and audio And video, miscellaneous books, debates, reports, Internet sites ...), which gives a full and accurate picture of the language in its various forms and uses daily, scientific and practical And literary, during a certain time ...!
Most languages today have their code, sometimes called «banks Language». There are gates on the Internet to allow access for «bases Graphic »huge and the specified search with it, or processed automatically in the total! Drawn from the treasures (that is supplying them with every day) Dictionaries and glossaries in specialized Areas of linguistic, scientific, technical and practical. Is the laboratory, who graduated from diverse linguistic studies of the structure of language and the various manifestations and implications of her words, the shortcomings and needs Renewable, to date dictionaries and the origins of words and their relationship to other languages (dictionaries Aliithimologip )!...
entered many countries in recent years, after completing construction of the bases Four-digital infrastructure, the era of digitization projects giant: I remember, for example, is not limited to: project Google and some major national libraries in 2004 digitizing 15 million books, Microsoft's parallel project, the French National Library Project digitization of 6 million books, a draft European countries of the North, Digital Library Project of UNESCO ...
case of Arab To these three challenges
the Arab world live on another planet entirely remote Mnmlp building projects ammunition digital art, which has become the status of science and knowledge in the world Today! ...
lies the problem of the contemporary Arab rights in that it can not be imported (as usual in all) solutions to overcome these challenges: it will not translate the outside world knowledge Into Arabic, and will not propose his reform programs of his language, or the means to make knowledge of it! ... The world is evolving may do sincerely wish all the best for the Arabs, but he does not feel sorry for the fragility of the Education and his inability to make knowledge! Well aware of (there is no one to realize the best of it!) That the rapid renaissance, and the loss of some vital interests that do not tend to throw away a lot of it! ... Over Insult to injury and pain is a pronounced lack of an effective Arab project is these challenges is a national priority and has plans to devote her creative efforts! ...
first challenge: Language knowledge is out of ammunition!
Arab world is living on another planet entirely remote Mnmlp building projects ammunition digital knowledge that has become a center of science and knowledge in the world today! ... In all scientific and technical areas, and in most fields of cultural and practical, have languages (except Arabic) on the base knowledge infrastructure, digital multimedia. Entered Industry knowledge in a race every day! The knowledge base infrastructure, digital Arabic they are absent entirely: There is no Arab projects even deserve mention in this regard! ...
hard here not to mention that most of the bricks on the Wikipedia, for example, particularly in the most scientific and cultural fields, devoid of the translation into Arabic, while the translated Often to the less heavily traded languages from Arabic much more! ... Number of topics written in Polish-language Wikipedia, for example, is equal to ten times what is written in Arabic Almost! ...
second challenge: to suffer from anemia language translation!
anemia translation into Arabic stark today: Many books from the eyes of the world has not seen the light of day in Arabic! Most Mothers of modern books that are Npras contemporary civilization is known in Arabic, which, in the Abbasid era, the language of universal civilization, thanks to extensive campaign Translation Of foreign books in various fields of philosophy and logic, medicine, astronomy, mathematics and literature, from different languages, Greek, Syriac, Persian, Sanskrit and the Ethiopian ... Enriched by streams Intellectual and many words and terms.
and still use machine translation technology Arabs very weak despite the possibility of investing strongly, especially to bridge the translation of scientific And technical and cultural ...!
third challenge: the language had not yet completed construction of the digital infrastructure!
even today there is no automatic optical reader for the letters of the Arabic language deserves to exhibit this Name, despite owning the Persian language with characters similar to the optical reader! The lack of design of optical code reader Arabic so far a major obstacle to prevent entry The era of digitization, because it alone allows the transfer of images to text pages of the book Digital! Without need of a new re-print what has been written in Arabic on the computer! ... This absence of a dilemma Nationalism is difficult to imagine the possibility of its existence today, in any country, let alone the world has some of its material wealth and the possibilities are enormous, as the world Arab! ...
well as a Blog: I do not have Arabic language blog so far, or any dictionary Iithimologi! ... Paradoxically, the dramatic and painful that the Arabic language was the first of the foundations of dictionaries and glossaries and linguistic nucleus blogs! ...
and lacking in Arabic also to computer software appropriate to correct the texts before placing it on the Internet and search for it. Dangerous issue in fact, because the web pages in Arabic (In particular, chat forums and dialogues, and news pages and general comments on daily events and writings ...) stained with jungle and astronomical numbers of grammatical errors and spelling Which is not unimaginable, is today an important part of the arsenal of effective influential Arabic on the Internet and automated composition tools! ...
obvious that the Arabic language did not start after isotopes digitization projects Great, because they have not yet completed construction of its base infrastructure! ... Enough to know that the number of books that Google No.nha project, in 2007 only, one million books, while the «Project ammunitions Arab», Which is supported by the Arab League budget, especially since 1975, did not Ino.n so far only 230 books! ...
means hormesis Arabic-time digital
necessary infrastructure construction tools Digital available, and to complete construction quickly, before you start to develop a plan for the digitization projects Arabic giant
I would like to put here interrelated proposals for cultural and educational institutions Arab, and Arab governments and Arab League are emboldening the project to the Arabic language in the digital world. The strategic objective of the project to establish a digital base infrastructure Three-dimensional culture and education, Arab, modern, efficient methods of inspiring, puts its position in the student and the professor and intellectual products and using of knowledge in the same now, Bridge the gap that separated the Arab world for the developed world, and allow him to Bmjarath and compete for the later! ...
formed the base of the three portals on the Internet, integrated and interactive With each other, represent the three basic pillars of knowledge and education, Arab, and the base of the strong upswing:
a) Arab Digital Learning Portal:
building web portal containing Education resources Educational Arabic variety (lessons, experiences and representations and perceptions of laboratory live multimedia, exercises solved, examples ...) in all fields (science and technology, engineering, economy And management, health medicine, environment and natural resources ...) various types of education (classes directly, for lessons yet ... intended for students or for teachers themselves in Arabic) prepared the highest technical means Modern.
needs to be emphasized that this gate will be designed as an alternative for teachers and universities, but it seeks to become a reference to the student and teacher, book, permanent, and Oselthma New daily of the rapid development in the world ahead at lightning speed! ...
necessary to create open competitions for university teachers in the Arab world or outside it, set its standards And select the successful bids for specialized juries are meant to build the gates of a typical Arab Digital lessons on the Internet for Arab students in various science and technical subjects, using Techniques of modern multimedia! ...
b) gate drive translation of modern Arabic:
gate building a rich and sophisticated books and studies and knowledge of various (free texts, the knowledge coming from Encyclopedias Free like Wikipedia, the books lost copyright books copyrighted ...) translated from other languages into the Arabic language, use of modern technology and the explosion of energy specialists And students to bridge the enormous gap in this regard.
to achieve this goal is required to benefit from China's experience in translation, based on the techniques of the digital age: Open competitions Translation for all (traditional translators, students and specialists, writers, institutes and departments of translation), and the provision of rewards are given according to parameters selected by expert committees of arbitration, in light of the translation Arabic to translate the equivalent of ten thousand books per year! ... These books can be translated in the Internet portals to reach for all, without having to print most of them necessarily! ...
c) gate Digital infrastructure of Arab and major digital library:
build a complete infrastructure and fully digital sound of the Arabic language, and building the digital library through the major projects Numbering a huge group (longer in millions) by and publications of the fundamental are placed in the portal on the Internet for all Arab readers all over the world.
to achieve this goal First need careful study to develop a digital infrastructure construction tools available, and to complete construction quickly, before you start to develop a plan for the Arab giant digitization projects.
Fiction Yemen and a university professor in Computer Science, France.
Arabic blown globalization .. Project hormesis
Habib Abdul Rab pleasure
if Geographical discoveries, which allowed the west we enter the Americas and pounce on them in the Renaissance, an achievement of Western civilization harmony and level of civilization at that time, Globalization, are other, distinct production of the same civilization, consistent with their scientific, technical and meet the needs of contemporary cosmic! ...
Arab culture is an open space
crisis in the evolution of the Arabic language before the age of globalization!
Digital Text and the challenges of the era of globalization
case of Arabic in front of these challenges, the three
means of emboldening the Arabic language in the digital time
Arab culture is an open space
no different luck Arab culture in the globalization of knowledge about other cultures based on technological progress of globalization on Edifice fertile creative force that can allow the rapid advancement of the Arab peoples and the restoration of the glory of an AFL
characterized by globalization, at least, creating a universal space of cognitive Vast wealth and resources, open to all peoples, can be a key starting point and progress and prosperity of those who interact with fluent! ... P «Digital Text» (articles, lecture video and photo, Computer software, books, a huge library ...), which reflects today's continents with a glance at lightning across the Internet, to read on any screen anywhere in the universe, the achievement of a civilized genius amazing Than every achievement! ... Any man today, for example, in any village lost in the universe, to download free software running on their computer language «Java» Books and learned, and utilized Is in the village, such as the latest technological institution in the world, making the most complex software or solve the most difficult scientific problems ...!
no different luck Arab culture in the globalization of knowledge From other cultures. Technological progress, which is based on the edifice of globalization fertile creative force that can either allow the Arab peoples (if owned by a project to develop culturally Language and education in which) the rapid advancement and the restoration of the glory of AFL, and either threatened Balaandhar rapid and humiliating begging on the outskirts of human civilization! ...
that globalization, Any environment such as a new vitality, blowing survival and prosperity with those who adapt quickly creatively. Has been able to China, which was translated Western scientific knowledge, technical and cultural Briefly and inspired by his experiences and knew how to intensify its presence and influence of knowledge, to grow and excel and exceed the most important countries in the West sometimes! ... Enough for example to note that the Chinese language, although difficult, Became the focus of today's highly demanded in the top French business schools and engineering colleges and universities. The turnout reached at the discovery of Chinese culture in France, culminated today too! Notes, for example, from the following seminars and cultural programs and books on modern French San Tzu's book: «The Art of War», which appeared in the sixth century BC, Which has become today «Book bedroom» senior French politicians and intellectuals together! ... Is not that evidence that the advancement of any civilization means the advancement of their language and culture, necessarily, regardless of The location of English at the Salon of civilizations, and on the West site in the leadership of the orchestra humanity since the Renaissance? ...
have proven experience of China and other emerging countries Modern wall that globalization is not deaf or temperamentally such as a wall-known Yemeni poet who said:
will continue to dig in the wall / either we have opened a gap of light and / or died on the face of the wall!
Inthal it is a wall light to those who dig the determination and intelligence! But death in the cold embrace him as much as an imperative for those lazy and trail, as it seems! Because «the courtyard of the slower» is the face The other the principle of «survival of the best», as practiced by «justice» globalization, which is unforgiving! They do not allow those in arrears to meet its challenges (as is the case with the Arab reality today), but collapse Maximum speed and scrambling to the bottom ...!
crisis in the evolution of language and Arab thought, before the era of globalization!
even today do not have any dictionaries« Iithimologip »of the assets of the words and history, Although it had its golden age in a leading role in the establishment of studies and exchange as the genius, and classification of vocabulary and arrange their roots and their derivations, and the formation of dictionaries
before Talk about the challenges of the era of globalization facing the Arabic language (like other languages) is required to recall that the Arab language and education did not solve the challenges after the pre-globalization Overcome by the West and the Far East before the era of globalization a time.
did not know Arabic, the language of universal civilization of the Middle Ages (such as Greek by birth, Then after that Latin, and English today), like the Arab education, any reforms or revolutions real emancipation of its commitment to the violent past restrictions, and makes them keep pace with need Age! ...
remained static, as appealing to the moods of some of the hardcore who Ihasrunha red lines if you do not Tndo never schemas in the language of the first centuries of migration! ... So I did not know any Updates or changes in its structure in relation to developments Qoamesha reflect the era. The increased gap between Qoamesha and language day after day: most of the words ceased to exist today Qoamesha writing And spoken, and most of her words and new uses are absent from dictionaries! ... Did not know of any repairs or facilities in the written cope with the requirements of modernity, like most languages. Not Has even today any dictionaries «Iithimologip» of the assets of the words and history, (because that would mean that the words and the beginnings of history, which tends not to have some fanatics Ozletha absolute), Although it had its golden age in a leading role in the establishment of studies and exchange as the genius, and classification of vocabulary and arrange their roots and their derivations, and the formation of dictionaries (including Dictionaries jinn and devils!), Although it was the first of the foundations of dictionaries, language dictionaries, since Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Faraaheedi the dictionary eye, and perhaps Asma'i before! ...
mention About it - what a tragedy! - Do not have today Rdaiv most modern terminology, to Tdho, also referred stigmatized them, «language not suitable for modern, with no terms »!...
Perhaps the Arabic language Today actually went bankrupt due to lack of time to keep pace with the digital: can not find where the student or teacher wandering, and became a scientific lecture or book on the Arab Internet rarest of the Phoenix tears! So, for example, has become a scientific subjects taught in foreign languages in private schools in the Arab world, and in many public schools as well. Not to mention the absence of Arab near-total in the teaching of scientific, technical and medical in almost all Arab universities, because of the use of modern knowledge to write! ...
Why does not speak Preachers for the tragedy and the hand to Dmorha and decay, rather than simply to Balishab via satellite to explain the language of questions and denouncing evil, and the only language to communicate in paradise (Globalization of the world, in the cultural side, it looks like a more pluralistic from the globalization of the Hereafter !)?.. Where officials of the influentials, strongly support the hormesis Arab projects and integration of movement and age? ...
and Arab education today, is the other, Wade is a plant (under construction Zlamia infrastructure as it is, since the era of decline that prevailed when the thought of my predecessor, one-way in the Arab culture Islamic heritage mental toppled the golden age, especially the thought Mu'tazili). Does not know the student criticism and rejection, and the question and the principles of causation and to prove. Do not develop a mental Strict scientific produced. Conversely, no one knows how the privilege of thinking, how will cancel and mind, and live a life of consumption and withdrawal! ...
highlighted what sets it apart from modern education In the West and the Far East that did not evolve from a starting point the principle of separation between «science fair» and «anthropogenic science», which has become today, phrased in modern high-end, which started from the idea Ibn Rushd, the main principle of modern education in the West: not allowed to touch the flag ideological religion or interfering with the affairs of temples, has no right to interfere in the affairs of religion and science school! ...
arise and grow the mentality of Arab rights in this environment (which separate him in thought and language of life and modernity) in a manner does not allow him to keep pace with the times, or entering an era of globalization from the widest doors! ... Down with the challenges of globalization on the head Kjlmod rock landed from «outside the text», sees a heavy burden terrible time coming from far in the future! Does not have the scientific mentality in a position to confront Or even absorbed. Increasing confusion, isolation and coma, and his sense of loss and deficit and failure and defeat! The world seems in his eyes Odgala riddled with danger and monsters. Escapes him, concern Bsikoloji naturally, about the identity of a mysterious cave features, belong to the golden centuries immemorial ...!
Digital Text and the challenges of the era of globalization
Most languages today have their codes, Sometimes called «banks Language». There are gates on the Internet to allow access for «bases graphs» huge and the specified search with it, or are processed automatically Total!
no doubt that the sensitivities and attitudes towards globalization differ from one individual to another. But they are similar in all amazed and astounded to« Digital Text », the greatest achievements of civilization Contemporary! ... The specifics of this provision several, very important and wealthy, did not notify the human mind and before that, I recall here only some of them:
a) is a hypertext: it joins all media Together, voice, image and video, interactive and beautiful container output, multi-dimensional! For this is the finest and the richest cultural media known to mankind since the dawn of history! ...
B) is the text of an open (not closed, such as paper-based text that begins with the first page and ends with the latter) thanks to the «super-text links» referred normally lines the bottom of any word, which Allow (when clicked) to move to another position in the same text or to any other text in any computer on the outskirts of the globe ...
c) is the atomic text indexing (indexing is all His words, not only chapters like the paper book), thanks to the so-called: «Search Engines» universal (such as Google, which currently contains more than 25 billion text, image and one billion, spread over half a million Computer) ... Thanks can access the digital text magically amazing: just enough to submit to Search Engines word model or a few words from the text or title, or words A few related to it, in order to put these motors in front of the reader and the text being on the screen in a few seconds! Not only that, but progress at the same time also, all the texts, documents and books On the Internet that contain those words model! ...
Digital Text globalization created three challenges head most of the competing cultures and nations in the face of today:
first challenge: the production of digital text
cognitive shift production of digital text knowledge, since the start of the Internet age, to one of the most important challenges facing the world's cultures. Rolled on The West and the Far East since the start of the nineties of the last century, major projects supported by States, universities and public institutions, building infrastructure for the digitization of knowledge and practical life Of the texts of scientific, technical, and a variety of cultural, studies, lectures and lessons for students from primary school to university, dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, geographic send live satellite Industrial direct ...
result today are glaring: Internet portals to build knowledge infrastructure to all of them (the gates of the official national projects and digital libraries free Specialized in various fields, the locations of educational institutions, public or private universities and research centers, teachers or students ...) full of pages and millions of digital books Scientific and cultural edifice, which constitute new communities knowledge! ... All heavily b «hypertext links high», which allows instantaneous transition to direct all the references Digital mentioned in those texts. Most of all rich-media audio and video images and three-dimensions, loaded with Pettmthelat laboratory tests and the texts of lectures, video and audio, Renewable and advanced in every moment! ...
There are also new components for building digital infrastructure of the knowledge humanity did not exist before the Internet, have become one of the most important fountains of knowledge on the level Cosmic: encyclopedias which are developed and instructive day, in an interactive collaborative Connie volunteers each in his own language, to add new knowledge or to translate the knowledge of others! ... Necessary Reference here to the Wikipedia, for example, that anyone can volunteer enriched in any language, which became the reference of millions of people every day! ...
second challenge: Intensification of knowledge translation using modern methods
fueled globalization urgent need to translate the Standing Knowledge of other languages and obtained an immediate fast! ... There is today (thanks to Computer, new computer science, especially science «Alhessobat linguistic») modalities of a new mechanism, allowing for the computer translation of the text without an interpreter, and instantly! Software Produced by these scientific and technical developments can now translate the book, or an Internet site, a few minutes. May still be translated as a result of inaccurate or good sometimes, especially when Translation of literary texts and linguistic complexity. But it helps to have the text of the initial ore is very fast, simply repaired and improved manually for the final translation! ...
third challenge: complete the infrastructure for digital language, and the start of digitization projects giant
Perhaps the most important components of the digital infrastructure base of any language are: 1) automatic optical reader Of characters, and 2) a code of language, 3) translation tools-intensive manual and automatic, 4) programs to correct the language and Engines Research is appropriate ...
automated optical reader is a program necessary baseline from For each language, converts the text allows the photographer a camera or a scanner (Scaner) into digital text that can be opened electronic publisher (such as «received»), and the archive file on your PC! ... Represents the transition Text from paper to stage digital text wander in the network computers Cosmic Internet, without exaggeration, a passage from the stage of ancient civilized much superior to the other ...!
any blog The language of a huge group (longer words billions) of samples of texts written or spoken, the following diverse range of sector-neutral sources (newspapers and magazines written and audio And video, miscellaneous books, debates, reports, Internet sites ...), which gives a full and accurate picture of the language in its various forms and uses daily, scientific and practical And literary, during a certain time ...!
Most languages today have their code, sometimes called «banks Language». There are gates on the Internet to allow access for «bases Graphic »huge and the specified search with it, or processed automatically in the total! Drawn from the treasures (that is supplying them with every day) Dictionaries and glossaries in specialized Areas of linguistic, scientific, technical and practical. Is the laboratory, who graduated from diverse linguistic studies of the structure of language and the various manifestations and implications of her words, the shortcomings and needs Renewable, to date dictionaries and the origins of words and their relationship to other languages (dictionaries Aliithimologip )!...
entered many countries in recent years, after completing construction of the bases Four-digital infrastructure, the era of digitization projects giant: I remember, for example, is not limited to: project Google and some major national libraries in 2004 digitizing 15 million books, Microsoft's parallel project, the French National Library Project digitization of 6 million books, a draft European countries of the North, Digital Library Project of UNESCO ...
case of Arab To these three challenges
the Arab world live on another planet entirely remote Mnmlp building projects ammunition digital art, which has become the status of science and knowledge in the world Today! ...
lies the problem of the contemporary Arab rights in that it can not be imported (as usual in all) solutions to overcome these challenges: it will not translate the outside world knowledge Into Arabic, and will not propose his reform programs of his language, or the means to make knowledge of it! ... The world is evolving may do sincerely wish all the best for the Arabs, but he does not feel sorry for the fragility of the Education and his inability to make knowledge! Well aware of (there is no one to realize the best of it!) That the rapid renaissance, and the loss of some vital interests that do not tend to throw away a lot of it! ... Over Insult to injury and pain is a pronounced lack of an effective Arab project is these challenges is a national priority and has plans to devote her creative efforts! ...
first challenge: Language knowledge is out of ammunition!
Arab world is living on another planet entirely remote Mnmlp building projects ammunition digital knowledge that has become a center of science and knowledge in the world today! ... In all scientific and technical areas, and in most fields of cultural and practical, have languages (except Arabic) on the base knowledge infrastructure, digital multimedia. Entered Industry knowledge in a race every day! The knowledge base infrastructure, digital Arabic they are absent entirely: There is no Arab projects even deserve mention in this regard! ...
hard here not to mention that most of the bricks on the Wikipedia, for example, particularly in the most scientific and cultural fields, devoid of the translation into Arabic, while the translated Often to the less heavily traded languages from Arabic much more! ... Number of topics written in Polish-language Wikipedia, for example, is equal to ten times what is written in Arabic Almost! ...
second challenge: to suffer from anemia language translation!
anemia translation into Arabic stark today: Many books from the eyes of the world has not seen the light of day in Arabic! Most Mothers of modern books that are Npras contemporary civilization is known in Arabic, which, in the Abbasid era, the language of universal civilization, thanks to extensive campaign Translation Of foreign books in various fields of philosophy and logic, medicine, astronomy, mathematics and literature, from different languages, Greek, Syriac, Persian, Sanskrit and the Ethiopian ... Enriched by streams Intellectual and many words and terms.
and still use machine translation technology Arabs very weak despite the possibility of investing strongly, especially to bridge the translation of scientific And technical and cultural ...!
third challenge: the language had not yet completed construction of the digital infrastructure!
even today there is no automatic optical reader for the letters of the Arabic language deserves to exhibit this Name, despite owning the Persian language with characters similar to the optical reader! The lack of design of optical code reader Arabic so far a major obstacle to prevent entry The era of digitization, because it alone allows the transfer of images to text pages of the book Digital! Without need of a new re-print what has been written in Arabic on the computer! ... This absence of a dilemma Nationalism is difficult to imagine the possibility of its existence today, in any country, let alone the world has some of its material wealth and the possibilities are enormous, as the world Arab! ...
well as a Blog: I do not have Arabic language blog so far, or any dictionary Iithimologi! ... Paradoxically, the dramatic and painful that the Arabic language was the first of the foundations of dictionaries and glossaries and linguistic nucleus blogs! ...
and lacking in Arabic also to computer software appropriate to correct the texts before placing it on the Internet and search for it. Dangerous issue in fact, because the web pages in Arabic (In particular, chat forums and dialogues, and news pages and general comments on daily events and writings ...) stained with jungle and astronomical numbers of grammatical errors and spelling Which is not unimaginable, is today an important part of the arsenal of effective influential Arabic on the Internet and automated composition tools! ...
obvious that the Arabic language did not start after isotopes digitization projects Great, because they have not yet completed construction of its base infrastructure! ... Enough to know that the number of books that Google No.nha project, in 2007 only, one million books, while the «Project ammunitions Arab», Which is supported by the Arab League budget, especially since 1975, did not Ino.n so far only 230 books! ...
means hormesis Arabic-time digital
necessary infrastructure construction tools Digital available, and to complete construction quickly, before you start to develop a plan for the digitization projects Arabic giant
I would like to put here interrelated proposals for cultural and educational institutions Arab, and Arab governments and Arab League are emboldening the project to the Arabic language in the digital world. The strategic objective of the project to establish a digital base infrastructure Three-dimensional culture and education, Arab, modern, efficient methods of inspiring, puts its position in the student and the professor and intellectual products and using of knowledge in the same now, Bridge the gap that separated the Arab world for the developed world, and allow him to Bmjarath and compete for the later! ...
formed the base of the three portals on the Internet, integrated and interactive With each other, represent the three basic pillars of knowledge and education, Arab, and the base of the strong upswing:
a) Arab Digital Learning Portal:
building web portal containing Education resources Educational Arabic variety (lessons, experiences and representations and perceptions of laboratory live multimedia, exercises solved, examples ...) in all fields (science and technology, engineering, economy And management, health medicine, environment and natural resources ...) various types of education (classes directly, for lessons yet ... intended for students or for teachers themselves in Arabic) prepared the highest technical means Modern.
needs to be emphasized that this gate will be designed as an alternative for teachers and universities, but it seeks to become a reference to the student and teacher, book, permanent, and Oselthma New daily of the rapid development in the world ahead at lightning speed! ...
necessary to create open competitions for university teachers in the Arab world or outside it, set its standards And select the successful bids for specialized juries are meant to build the gates of a typical Arab Digital lessons on the Internet for Arab students in various science and technical subjects, using Techniques of modern multimedia! ...
b) gate drive translation of modern Arabic:
gate building a rich and sophisticated books and studies and knowledge of various (free texts, the knowledge coming from Encyclopedias Free like Wikipedia, the books lost copyright books copyrighted ...) translated from other languages into the Arabic language, use of modern technology and the explosion of energy specialists And students to bridge the enormous gap in this regard.
to achieve this goal is required to benefit from China's experience in translation, based on the techniques of the digital age: Open competitions Translation for all (traditional translators, students and specialists, writers, institutes and departments of translation), and the provision of rewards are given according to parameters selected by expert committees of arbitration, in light of the translation Arabic to translate the equivalent of ten thousand books per year! ... These books can be translated in the Internet portals to reach for all, without having to print most of them necessarily! ...
c) gate Digital infrastructure of Arab and major digital library:
build a complete infrastructure and fully digital sound of the Arabic language, and building the digital library through the major projects Numbering a huge group (longer in millions) by and publications of the fundamental are placed in the portal on the Internet for all Arab readers all over the world.
to achieve this goal First need careful study to develop a digital infrastructure construction tools available, and to complete construction quickly, before you start to develop a plan for the Arab giant digitization projects.
Fiction Yemen and a university professor in Computer Science, France.
I Have Clear Blisters In My Mouth
the Arabic language in the digital time: six tragedies, and three proposals!
the Arabic language in the digital time: six tragedies, and three proposals!
the Arabic language in the digital time: six Tragedies, and three proposals!
Habib Abdrab pleasure
(1) Introduction: some controversy about the tragedy and the reality of the Arabic language in the digital time!
uses the Arabs, more and more numbers for good luck, E-mail and browse Internet sites and newspapers, and download materials from electronic articles and songs ... If the reader considered this the Arab presence affiliation for the digital age, It is best not to continue reading this article, because this is exactly like a judicious reader who knows the human b «a living breathing and eating and drinking only »!...
objective of this article: 1) mapping The tragic emptiness of Arabic language presence in the digital time, 2) draw the attention of everyone for the delay awful to start building the base infrastructure for its presence on the Internet, while the most complete States upon this rule, which took several decades before it begins the era of digitization projects and cognitive giant, 3) raise the controversial Arabic and widely about this delay, 4) included the largest group Lovers of the Arabic language book, researchers, teachers and students, and decision-makers as well (whatever their awareness of the weakness of the utmost importance to save the Arabic language, or their genuine desire to Entering the recovery room) to work to achieve specific objectives integrated to save our language, which we love very much love! ...
before the six listed Alfjaia make clear to the reader that the Arab in the digital age A giant straw, I have to give definitions ...!
(2) the text paper and digital text: Two new definitions are necessary, before the narrative Alfjaia!
whether the definition of an easy text paper («is the text written Or printed on a number of papers ...») definition Digital Text harder and a much broader: It is the text of the reach of a network of computers (a computer that consists of at least one, or that includes all Desktop PCs Universe if necessary) and read on a screen. However, privacy has several very important and wealth, there is no paper in the text, most notably the now cite:
a) is a hypertext, Hypertext: joins the All media together, voice, image and video, interactive and beautiful container output, multi-dimensional genius content! For this is the finest and the richest cultural media defined by Since the dawn of human history! ... (Perhaps the words: «HyperText», which are often used to translate the Hypertext is not very appropriate!).
b) is the text of an open (not closed, such as paper-based text, which begins The first page and ends with the latter), thanks to «hypertext links high», Hypertext Links, usually referred her lines the bottom of any word, which allows (when clicked) to move to another position in the same Text or to any other text in any computer on the outskirts of the globe. These links can also go to the automated dictionaries to explain the meanings of words of text, or provide any information About ...
c) is the text of the antenna, can be accessed from any device (PC, mobile phone, electronic gaming device, a new e-reader ...) and from anywhere: the office, street, The beach, sleeping bed, toilet ... There is an elegant traditional metaphor depicting Privacy correctly: Cloud Computing, or «cloud» If I may say so ...!
d) is the text of the atomic Indexing (All words are indexed, not only chapters like the paper book), thanks to the so-called: «Search Engines» universal (such as Gogol, which currently contains more than 25 billion text, and one billion files, distributed Half a million computers in 32 locations geographically honest, many of which Ttakndq near nuclear reactors) ... Thanks can access the digital text in a manner not unimaginable genius A few years ago: enough to provide for the Search Engines a word or a few words from the text or title, or a few words concerning him, in order to put these motors in front of the text reader (Such as magical Seal of Solomon) and submit it to the screen in a few seconds! Not only that, but made available to the reader at the same time also, all the texts, documents and books on Internet that contain those words provided to the Search Engines! ... Not to appear to the truth here more miraculous than fiction? ...
e) The text is easy to update (requires seconds only occasionally, Unlike the text of the paper needs to be reprinted!), Easy backup and transport and transmission (this is done in the pleasures!), Easy to carry (not the weight of his burden or to Ucestikip!), Does not have any environmental harm caused by such Text paper! ... Not to mention it's cheaper than paper of the text of the disappearance of the need for paper, ink and printing presses and distribution libraries! ...
(3) the first bereavement: The language without a knowledge building below!
rolled to the world since the beginning of the nineties of the last century, especially the West and the Far East, backed by the giant projects, universities and public institutions, for the digitization of construction Infrastructure of knowledge and practical life of the texts of scientific, technical, and a variety of cultural, studies, lectures and lessons for students from primary school to university (I drive a personal project Contribute to a French national where some universities and research centers, associated with digitizing some materials «Alhessobat linguistic»), and dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, geographic send live satellite Industrial directly. But the Arab world live on another planet far Mnmlp College for these activities and projects very core! ...
result today are glaring: Internet portals To build knowledge infrastructure to all of them (the gates of the official national projects and digital libraries free specialized in various fields, the location of public educational institutions Or private universities and research centers, teachers or students ...) full of millions of pages that make up the digital architecture of the new communities of knowledge! ...
reader finds today in the sites Internet those states millions of texts, books, scientific and cultural digital! ... All heavily b «hypertext links high», which allows instantaneous transition to direct all the references Digital mentioned in those texts and books on the Internet. Most of all rich-media audio and video images and three-dimensions, loaded with Pettmthelat laboratory experiments The texts of lectures, video and audio, renewable and advanced in every moment! ... There are millions of
lectures, scientific articles, exercises and unsolved scientific experiments and studies And research provided through an educational interactive rich fresh, in all languages ... However, Arabic!
There are also new components for building digital infrastructure of knowledge did not exist before the Internet, Became one of the most important fountains of knowledge on a global level: encyclopedias which are developed and instructive day, in an interactive collaborative Kony, making the paper look like encyclopedias Compared to the severe poverty and backwardness! ...
necessary to point out here on the Wikipedia, for example, that anyone can volunteer enrich any language, which has become a reference Millions of people every day! ... Difficult here not to mention that most of the bricks this encyclopedia, especially in the most scientific and cultural fields, devoid of the translation into Arabic, in While often translated into the languages of the least actively traded of the Arab much! ... Enough to open this encyclopedia on the Internet and providing a word, a language other than Arabic, Motor Search encyclopedia, to see the text Encyclopedic on this floor as a translator for many languages or at least the most heavily traded issue on both, but Arabic! (Deaf and disaster Otm: often there is not even a companion Arabic to that word !)... Number of topics written in Polish-language Wikipedia, for example, is equal to ten times what is written in Arabic about! ...
a nutshell: In all scientific and technical areas, and in most fields of cultural and practical, have languages (except Arabic) on the base knowledge infrastructure, digital multimedia (excluded Text paper and completely replaced, to appear, in these areas at least, like remnants of the Stone Age!). Industry knowledge, which entered the race every day! The base infrastructure Knowledge in Arabic they are absent entirely: There is no Arab projects even deserve mention in this regard! ...
Perhaps the Arabic language is dying day by quietly failure to keep pace Time Digital: can not find where the student or teacher wanted to find! So, for example, has become a scientific subjects taught in foreign languages in private schools in the Arab world, In many public schools as well. Not to mention the almost total absence of Arabic in the teaching of scientific, technical and medical in almost all Arab universities, because of non-use To write a modern knowledge! ... Perhaps for this reason it is today more and more «language not suitable for modern, with no terms »!...
(4) bereavement II: The language of suffering from anemia translation!
known Wide campaign that translation of various languages of Greek, Syriac, Persian, Sanskrit, Ethiopian, in the Abbasid period, the foreign books in various fields of philosophy The logic of medicine, astronomy, mathematics and literature, enriched Brawfd Arab intellectual and many words and terms, to become by virtue of that universal language of civilization in the Middle Ages (such as Greek by birth, , English, French and English today).
It is also known that Japan was transformed from a backward country at the start of the nineteenth century to one of the most advanced countries in the world today, However, thanks to the campaign of a broad translation of each Knowledge West and its achievements and educational policy, from the translation of the other more sophisticated creations, and inspired by his approach, is the key to catch up with him! ...
In recent decades, China has also launched an extensive campaign to fierce global knowledge translation, especially Western, on the basis of the same principle. Used the means of modern technology, Particularly the Internet. Made presentations and rewards for translators from specialists or students, inside and outside China. Opened institutes and university departments and organized many competitions for the translation! ...
there today (Thanks to the computer, new computer science, especially science «Alhessobat linguistic») modalities of a new mechanism, allowing for the computer translation of the text without an interpreter, and instantly! Software Produced by these scientific and technical developments can now translate the book, or an Internet site, a few minutes. May still be translated as a result of inaccurate or good sometimes, especially When you translate texts of literary and linguistic complexity. But it helps to have the text of the initial ore is very fast, simply repaired and improved manually for the final translation! ... Still use this technique Arab very weak despite the possibility of investing strongly, especially to bridge the translation of scientific, technical and cultural ...!
anemia Arabic translation Flagrant today: Many of the books the eyes of the world has not seen the light of day in Arabic! Most of the mothers of modern books that are Npras contemporary civilization is known in Arabic! Enough to accommodate Note that the scale of the disaster what could be translated in Israel ten years after its founding more than all the translation of the Arabs since the start of the nineteenth century to today! ...
(5) bereavement III: Language No blog!
Code of any language, (Corpus), is a huge (billions in longer words) of the samples of texts written or spoken, the following diverse range of sector-neutral sources (Newspapers and magazines written and audio-visual, miscellaneous books, debates, reports, Internet sites ...), which gives a full and accurate picture of the language in its various forms And uses everyday, scientific, literary and practical, during a certain time ...!
languages today have their code, sometimes called «banks Language». There are gates on the Internet to allow access for «bases graphs» huge and the specified search with it, or processed automatically in the total! Of their treasures (which is supplying them with every day) draw Dictionaries in specialized areas of language and scientific, technical and practical. Is the laboratory, who graduated from diverse linguistic studies of the structure of language, and various manifestations Implications of her words, the shortcomings and needs, renewable for dictionaries history and origins of words and their relationship to other languages (dictionaries Aliithomologip that do not yet exist in the language Arab )!...
exciting and painful irony that the Arabic language which was the first of the foundations of language dictionaries and glossaries (since Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Faraaheedi the dictionary eye, and perhaps Asma'i before that), which had its golden age in a leading role in the establishment of studies and exchange as the genius, and classification of vocabulary and arrange their roots and their derivations, and the formation of each Dictionaries (including dictionaries of the jinn and devils!), Which opened early on the languages of the world since the Abbasid era and a campaign rich in translations, so far does not have its code language, Or any dictionary Iithomologi! ...
(6) bereavement IV: Language without a «light of the unrecognized characters»!
optical character recognizer, Recogonizer Optical Character, OCR, (Optical reader or automated) program basal Possesses all the necessary language, converts the text allows the photographer a camera or a scanner (Scaner) into digital text that can be opened electronic publisher (such as «received»), and the archive file on your PC! ... Even today there is no optical reader to Arabic deserves that name! (Sold in Arab markets, software is good for this purpose, threw out some of the bought in the trash, Despite the heavy price tag!).
a non-design optical code reader for automatic Arabic characters until now a major obstacle to prevent entry into the era of digitization, because it alone allows the transfer of Photos pages of the book to digital texts! ... Without need of a new re-print what has been written in Arabic on the computer! ... All languages used today, which has a reader scanned automatically , Electronic devices with «Robotics» can a few minutes, and are fully automatic, open the book and filmed page by page, and pass the automated optical reader to convert it into digital text, Before the archiving and sticky in the global Internet space to reach parts of the world in a trice! ...
some of these devices, which will cost per day of which about a quarter million dollars, operating in this I write this article, to digitize hundreds of books a day, in languages other than Arabic! ... In 2007 only No.n project Gogol million books thanks to this technology!.
transmission of text Phase of the paper, digital text to wander the Internet global network of computers, is a passage from the stage of ancient civilized much superior to the other (like, without exaggeration, the transition From the era of candles to the era of electricity) because of its digital text of the specification put out by the above!
represents the absence of automatic optical reader for photos texts in Arabic nationalism difficult dilemma Imagine the possibility of its existence today, in any country, let alone the world has some of its material wealth and the possibilities are enormous, as the world Arab! ...
(7) bereavement Fifth: The language without correction techniques Search Engines and convenient!
provided a democratic Internet and ease of electronic publishing direct writing and publishing easy for everyone, not only for the elite, as was the case before the Internet! ... If that was a blessing for the peoples of the revolutions that have taken place, updates, and reforms in their own languages, and computer software which is designed to correct the texts before placing it on the Internet, it is a curse The real calamity in the Arab world who did not develop the language for centuries, which is packed with illiterates, which is not an exaggeration to say that many of the graduates of schools (and universities sometimes) half- Illiterate during the writing! ...
dangerous issue in fact, because the web pages in Arabic (in particular, chat forums and dialogues, and news pages and general comments on the events Daily and writings ...) stained jungle of language and spelling errors that do not unimaginable! ... Amazing that the number of words written Bgltat spelling on the Internet has more than Days the same number of written words without errors! Which threatens that it will be replaced, by virtue of the principle of the rule of statistical majority, at any automatic processing of the Arabic language with All that is written on the Internet! ... Who knows, you may also be replaced in the eyes of Arab readers, especially readers of future generations, by virtue of the principle of «Natural Selection» Famous Darwinist, Because these errors are the most visible and reference! ...
I shall give for example what it means lack of Search Engines, Kjojul, a debugger for a language Arabic: enough to offer to Gogol written word error: «Isomowon», or «Mriz»! To receive thousands of web pages carrying this line of the written word, because there is no debugger for the Arabic language facility Bmuturat search! If you write the word Spelling mistake in another language, like French: «Mangeoons» Fissesahhaa Motor Gogol automatically to become: «Mangeons» before to give you web pages that contain this word corrected! ... Engines Find the same, Kjojul, are not suitable for Arabic, it does not take privacy discharges and their synonyms in mind during your search! ...
appalling that affected millions of pages of Arab Astronomical numbers of spelling errors archived today in the Internet like the others. Are all, without discrimination, the arsenal of the Arabic texts on the net cosmic! ... And the like This arsenal, sometimes old sheikh, exhausted, engulfed viruses! ...
(8) bereavement Sixth: The language did not enter the era of digitization yet!
entered many countries in recent years, After completing construction of the bases of digital infrastructure (automatic optical reader for the characters, a code of language, translation and the mechanism of hand-intensive programs, correct language and appropriate research Engines ...) era Digitization projects giant: I remember, for example, is not limited to: project Gogol and some senior national libraries in 2004 digitizing 15 million books, Microsoft's parallel project, French National Library Project digitization of 6 million books, a draft European countries of the North ...
Arabic language is not lacking completely heartbreaking isotopes of these projects only, but did not Begin after the construction of infrastructure base! ... Arabic numerals, which I will say it now alone explain the ferocity of the tragedy: the Arabic Language Academy in Algeria, which is supported by the Arab League budget Especially since 1975, and in charge of the establishment of «ammunition Arab», No.n so far only a few hundreds of Arabic books, because of the absence of this infrastructure! Intends to draft an Arab country Digitization of a very small number of Arabic books, I feel ashamed to mention ...! That's all in the Arab-handed! ...
is no doubt that there are sites Arab deserves all the promotion and development as «probe», «Warraq» «prophet», «BA», «knowledge», «rock» ... And others ignorant of the sites dedicated efforts dedicated to strengthening the presence of Arab and interaction With languages, and the digitization of knowledge and books by ... But will remain weak influence if not embraced by a national project Jabbar, the objectives of an integrated process specific ...!
(9) Three proposals ...
in The direction of this project, I offer three interrelated proposals for cultural and educational institutions, Arab, and Arab governments and the League of Arab States (though I hope dimmed So that convergence on deaf ears!):
(1) benefit from China's experience in translation, based on the techniques of the digital age: Open competitions for all translations (translators traditional, Students and professionals, authors, institutes and departments of translation), and rewards are given according to parameters selected by expert committees of arbitration, in light of the Arabic translation for the translation of the equivalent of ten thousand A book a year! ... These books can be translated in the Internet portals to reach for all, without having to print most of them necessarily! ...
(2) open competitions for university teachers Inside or outside the Arab world, develop their standards and choose their offers successful arbitration committees specialized portals aimed at building a digital model Arab lessons on the Internet for Arab students In various scientific and technical materials, using modern multimedia techniques! ...
(3) complete the infrastructure of the Arabic language on the Internet (automatic optical reader of characters, and a blog Of the Arabic language, Search Engines and software appropriate correction techniques, an ...) within 3 years! ...
(10) Conclusion
known that there are profound physiological relationship between thinking and language. Arab freeze (which did not know the radical reforms needed to keep pace with the times, like the rest of languages) is the anchor that pulls the ship and the Arab mind Tbaraka centuries ago! ... Delay Today to begin building a base infrastructure, which will bring them to fight a major digitization projects, expand the vast divide that separates Arabs from the rest of the developed world ...! Perhaps the metaphor
«Tortoise and the hare» today no longer appropriate to compare the speed of evolution of the Arab world in relation to the West and the Far East who have come to be, thanks to major digitization projects, like Winged Bunny! While Omst Slhvatna Arab dear lame, devoured by viruses! ...
there with the proposals made by an integrated process of this article, may contribute to the change Something, if any of them turns and wraps around and discuss, develop and turning it into a practical reality! ... Maybe the right key of the knowledge society, which no development or development without it! ...
thank from the depths, Mr. Adnan Aziz rods, the automatic translator: the probe, and Professor Inam eggs, Director of the Higher Arab Institute for Translation in Algeria, On a series of discussions with them that were so useful. Convicted of two strained my interest in many of the issues against this article which was not to his analysis and proposals to see the light Sometimes, but for interaction and debate with them ...!
the Arabic language in the digital time: six tragedies, and three proposals!
the Arabic language in the digital time: six Tragedies, and three proposals!
Habib Abdrab pleasure
(1) Introduction: some controversy about the tragedy and the reality of the Arabic language in the digital time!
uses the Arabs, more and more numbers for good luck, E-mail and browse Internet sites and newspapers, and download materials from electronic articles and songs ... If the reader considered this the Arab presence affiliation for the digital age, It is best not to continue reading this article, because this is exactly like a judicious reader who knows the human b «a living breathing and eating and drinking only »!...
objective of this article: 1) mapping The tragic emptiness of Arabic language presence in the digital time, 2) draw the attention of everyone for the delay awful to start building the base infrastructure for its presence on the Internet, while the most complete States upon this rule, which took several decades before it begins the era of digitization projects and cognitive giant, 3) raise the controversial Arabic and widely about this delay, 4) included the largest group Lovers of the Arabic language book, researchers, teachers and students, and decision-makers as well (whatever their awareness of the weakness of the utmost importance to save the Arabic language, or their genuine desire to Entering the recovery room) to work to achieve specific objectives integrated to save our language, which we love very much love! ...
before the six listed Alfjaia make clear to the reader that the Arab in the digital age A giant straw, I have to give definitions ...!
(2) the text paper and digital text: Two new definitions are necessary, before the narrative Alfjaia!
whether the definition of an easy text paper («is the text written Or printed on a number of papers ...») definition Digital Text harder and a much broader: It is the text of the reach of a network of computers (a computer that consists of at least one, or that includes all Desktop PCs Universe if necessary) and read on a screen. However, privacy has several very important and wealth, there is no paper in the text, most notably the now cite:
a) is a hypertext, Hypertext: joins the All media together, voice, image and video, interactive and beautiful container output, multi-dimensional genius content! For this is the finest and the richest cultural media defined by Since the dawn of human history! ... (Perhaps the words: «HyperText», which are often used to translate the Hypertext is not very appropriate!).
b) is the text of an open (not closed, such as paper-based text, which begins The first page and ends with the latter), thanks to «hypertext links high», Hypertext Links, usually referred her lines the bottom of any word, which allows (when clicked) to move to another position in the same Text or to any other text in any computer on the outskirts of the globe. These links can also go to the automated dictionaries to explain the meanings of words of text, or provide any information About ...
c) is the text of the antenna, can be accessed from any device (PC, mobile phone, electronic gaming device, a new e-reader ...) and from anywhere: the office, street, The beach, sleeping bed, toilet ... There is an elegant traditional metaphor depicting Privacy correctly: Cloud Computing, or «cloud» If I may say so ...!
d) is the text of the atomic Indexing (All words are indexed, not only chapters like the paper book), thanks to the so-called: «Search Engines» universal (such as Gogol, which currently contains more than 25 billion text, and one billion files, distributed Half a million computers in 32 locations geographically honest, many of which Ttakndq near nuclear reactors) ... Thanks can access the digital text in a manner not unimaginable genius A few years ago: enough to provide for the Search Engines a word or a few words from the text or title, or a few words concerning him, in order to put these motors in front of the text reader (Such as magical Seal of Solomon) and submit it to the screen in a few seconds! Not only that, but made available to the reader at the same time also, all the texts, documents and books on Internet that contain those words provided to the Search Engines! ... Not to appear to the truth here more miraculous than fiction? ...
e) The text is easy to update (requires seconds only occasionally, Unlike the text of the paper needs to be reprinted!), Easy backup and transport and transmission (this is done in the pleasures!), Easy to carry (not the weight of his burden or to Ucestikip!), Does not have any environmental harm caused by such Text paper! ... Not to mention it's cheaper than paper of the text of the disappearance of the need for paper, ink and printing presses and distribution libraries! ...
(3) the first bereavement: The language without a knowledge building below!
rolled to the world since the beginning of the nineties of the last century, especially the West and the Far East, backed by the giant projects, universities and public institutions, for the digitization of construction Infrastructure of knowledge and practical life of the texts of scientific, technical, and a variety of cultural, studies, lectures and lessons for students from primary school to university (I drive a personal project Contribute to a French national where some universities and research centers, associated with digitizing some materials «Alhessobat linguistic»), and dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, geographic send live satellite Industrial directly. But the Arab world live on another planet far Mnmlp College for these activities and projects very core! ...
result today are glaring: Internet portals To build knowledge infrastructure to all of them (the gates of the official national projects and digital libraries free specialized in various fields, the location of public educational institutions Or private universities and research centers, teachers or students ...) full of millions of pages that make up the digital architecture of the new communities of knowledge! ...
reader finds today in the sites Internet those states millions of texts, books, scientific and cultural digital! ... All heavily b «hypertext links high», which allows instantaneous transition to direct all the references Digital mentioned in those texts and books on the Internet. Most of all rich-media audio and video images and three-dimensions, loaded with Pettmthelat laboratory experiments The texts of lectures, video and audio, renewable and advanced in every moment! ... There are millions of
lectures, scientific articles, exercises and unsolved scientific experiments and studies And research provided through an educational interactive rich fresh, in all languages ... However, Arabic!
There are also new components for building digital infrastructure of knowledge did not exist before the Internet, Became one of the most important fountains of knowledge on a global level: encyclopedias which are developed and instructive day, in an interactive collaborative Kony, making the paper look like encyclopedias Compared to the severe poverty and backwardness! ...
necessary to point out here on the Wikipedia, for example, that anyone can volunteer enrich any language, which has become a reference Millions of people every day! ... Difficult here not to mention that most of the bricks this encyclopedia, especially in the most scientific and cultural fields, devoid of the translation into Arabic, in While often translated into the languages of the least actively traded of the Arab much! ... Enough to open this encyclopedia on the Internet and providing a word, a language other than Arabic, Motor Search encyclopedia, to see the text Encyclopedic on this floor as a translator for many languages or at least the most heavily traded issue on both, but Arabic! (Deaf and disaster Otm: often there is not even a companion Arabic to that word !)... Number of topics written in Polish-language Wikipedia, for example, is equal to ten times what is written in Arabic about! ...
a nutshell: In all scientific and technical areas, and in most fields of cultural and practical, have languages (except Arabic) on the base knowledge infrastructure, digital multimedia (excluded Text paper and completely replaced, to appear, in these areas at least, like remnants of the Stone Age!). Industry knowledge, which entered the race every day! The base infrastructure Knowledge in Arabic they are absent entirely: There is no Arab projects even deserve mention in this regard! ...
Perhaps the Arabic language is dying day by quietly failure to keep pace Time Digital: can not find where the student or teacher wanted to find! So, for example, has become a scientific subjects taught in foreign languages in private schools in the Arab world, In many public schools as well. Not to mention the almost total absence of Arabic in the teaching of scientific, technical and medical in almost all Arab universities, because of non-use To write a modern knowledge! ... Perhaps for this reason it is today more and more «language not suitable for modern, with no terms »!...
(4) bereavement II: The language of suffering from anemia translation!
known Wide campaign that translation of various languages of Greek, Syriac, Persian, Sanskrit, Ethiopian, in the Abbasid period, the foreign books in various fields of philosophy The logic of medicine, astronomy, mathematics and literature, enriched Brawfd Arab intellectual and many words and terms, to become by virtue of that universal language of civilization in the Middle Ages (such as Greek by birth, , English, French and English today).
It is also known that Japan was transformed from a backward country at the start of the nineteenth century to one of the most advanced countries in the world today, However, thanks to the campaign of a broad translation of each Knowledge West and its achievements and educational policy, from the translation of the other more sophisticated creations, and inspired by his approach, is the key to catch up with him! ...
In recent decades, China has also launched an extensive campaign to fierce global knowledge translation, especially Western, on the basis of the same principle. Used the means of modern technology, Particularly the Internet. Made presentations and rewards for translators from specialists or students, inside and outside China. Opened institutes and university departments and organized many competitions for the translation! ...
there today (Thanks to the computer, new computer science, especially science «Alhessobat linguistic») modalities of a new mechanism, allowing for the computer translation of the text without an interpreter, and instantly! Software Produced by these scientific and technical developments can now translate the book, or an Internet site, a few minutes. May still be translated as a result of inaccurate or good sometimes, especially When you translate texts of literary and linguistic complexity. But it helps to have the text of the initial ore is very fast, simply repaired and improved manually for the final translation! ... Still use this technique Arab very weak despite the possibility of investing strongly, especially to bridge the translation of scientific, technical and cultural ...!
anemia Arabic translation Flagrant today: Many of the books the eyes of the world has not seen the light of day in Arabic! Most of the mothers of modern books that are Npras contemporary civilization is known in Arabic! Enough to accommodate Note that the scale of the disaster what could be translated in Israel ten years after its founding more than all the translation of the Arabs since the start of the nineteenth century to today! ...
(5) bereavement III: Language No blog!
Code of any language, (Corpus), is a huge (billions in longer words) of the samples of texts written or spoken, the following diverse range of sector-neutral sources (Newspapers and magazines written and audio-visual, miscellaneous books, debates, reports, Internet sites ...), which gives a full and accurate picture of the language in its various forms And uses everyday, scientific, literary and practical, during a certain time ...!
languages today have their code, sometimes called «banks Language». There are gates on the Internet to allow access for «bases graphs» huge and the specified search with it, or processed automatically in the total! Of their treasures (which is supplying them with every day) draw Dictionaries in specialized areas of language and scientific, technical and practical. Is the laboratory, who graduated from diverse linguistic studies of the structure of language, and various manifestations Implications of her words, the shortcomings and needs, renewable for dictionaries history and origins of words and their relationship to other languages (dictionaries Aliithomologip that do not yet exist in the language Arab )!...
exciting and painful irony that the Arabic language which was the first of the foundations of language dictionaries and glossaries (since Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Faraaheedi the dictionary eye, and perhaps Asma'i before that), which had its golden age in a leading role in the establishment of studies and exchange as the genius, and classification of vocabulary and arrange their roots and their derivations, and the formation of each Dictionaries (including dictionaries of the jinn and devils!), Which opened early on the languages of the world since the Abbasid era and a campaign rich in translations, so far does not have its code language, Or any dictionary Iithomologi! ...
(6) bereavement IV: Language without a «light of the unrecognized characters»!
optical character recognizer, Recogonizer Optical Character, OCR, (Optical reader or automated) program basal Possesses all the necessary language, converts the text allows the photographer a camera or a scanner (Scaner) into digital text that can be opened electronic publisher (such as «received»), and the archive file on your PC! ... Even today there is no optical reader to Arabic deserves that name! (Sold in Arab markets, software is good for this purpose, threw out some of the bought in the trash, Despite the heavy price tag!).
a non-design optical code reader for automatic Arabic characters until now a major obstacle to prevent entry into the era of digitization, because it alone allows the transfer of Photos pages of the book to digital texts! ... Without need of a new re-print what has been written in Arabic on the computer! ... All languages used today, which has a reader scanned automatically , Electronic devices with «Robotics» can a few minutes, and are fully automatic, open the book and filmed page by page, and pass the automated optical reader to convert it into digital text, Before the archiving and sticky in the global Internet space to reach parts of the world in a trice! ...
some of these devices, which will cost per day of which about a quarter million dollars, operating in this I write this article, to digitize hundreds of books a day, in languages other than Arabic! ... In 2007 only No.n project Gogol million books thanks to this technology!.
transmission of text Phase of the paper, digital text to wander the Internet global network of computers, is a passage from the stage of ancient civilized much superior to the other (like, without exaggeration, the transition From the era of candles to the era of electricity) because of its digital text of the specification put out by the above!
represents the absence of automatic optical reader for photos texts in Arabic nationalism difficult dilemma Imagine the possibility of its existence today, in any country, let alone the world has some of its material wealth and the possibilities are enormous, as the world Arab! ...
(7) bereavement Fifth: The language without correction techniques Search Engines and convenient!
provided a democratic Internet and ease of electronic publishing direct writing and publishing easy for everyone, not only for the elite, as was the case before the Internet! ... If that was a blessing for the peoples of the revolutions that have taken place, updates, and reforms in their own languages, and computer software which is designed to correct the texts before placing it on the Internet, it is a curse The real calamity in the Arab world who did not develop the language for centuries, which is packed with illiterates, which is not an exaggeration to say that many of the graduates of schools (and universities sometimes) half- Illiterate during the writing! ...
dangerous issue in fact, because the web pages in Arabic (in particular, chat forums and dialogues, and news pages and general comments on the events Daily and writings ...) stained jungle of language and spelling errors that do not unimaginable! ... Amazing that the number of words written Bgltat spelling on the Internet has more than Days the same number of written words without errors! Which threatens that it will be replaced, by virtue of the principle of the rule of statistical majority, at any automatic processing of the Arabic language with All that is written on the Internet! ... Who knows, you may also be replaced in the eyes of Arab readers, especially readers of future generations, by virtue of the principle of «Natural Selection» Famous Darwinist, Because these errors are the most visible and reference! ...
I shall give for example what it means lack of Search Engines, Kjojul, a debugger for a language Arabic: enough to offer to Gogol written word error: «Isomowon», or «Mriz»! To receive thousands of web pages carrying this line of the written word, because there is no debugger for the Arabic language facility Bmuturat search! If you write the word Spelling mistake in another language, like French: «Mangeoons» Fissesahhaa Motor Gogol automatically to become: «Mangeons» before to give you web pages that contain this word corrected! ... Engines Find the same, Kjojul, are not suitable for Arabic, it does not take privacy discharges and their synonyms in mind during your search! ...
appalling that affected millions of pages of Arab Astronomical numbers of spelling errors archived today in the Internet like the others. Are all, without discrimination, the arsenal of the Arabic texts on the net cosmic! ... And the like This arsenal, sometimes old sheikh, exhausted, engulfed viruses! ...
(8) bereavement Sixth: The language did not enter the era of digitization yet!
entered many countries in recent years, After completing construction of the bases of digital infrastructure (automatic optical reader for the characters, a code of language, translation and the mechanism of hand-intensive programs, correct language and appropriate research Engines ...) era Digitization projects giant: I remember, for example, is not limited to: project Gogol and some senior national libraries in 2004 digitizing 15 million books, Microsoft's parallel project, French National Library Project digitization of 6 million books, a draft European countries of the North ...
Arabic language is not lacking completely heartbreaking isotopes of these projects only, but did not Begin after the construction of infrastructure base! ... Arabic numerals, which I will say it now alone explain the ferocity of the tragedy: the Arabic Language Academy in Algeria, which is supported by the Arab League budget Especially since 1975, and in charge of the establishment of «ammunition Arab», No.n so far only a few hundreds of Arabic books, because of the absence of this infrastructure! Intends to draft an Arab country Digitization of a very small number of Arabic books, I feel ashamed to mention ...! That's all in the Arab-handed! ...
is no doubt that there are sites Arab deserves all the promotion and development as «probe», «Warraq» «prophet», «BA», «knowledge», «rock» ... And others ignorant of the sites dedicated efforts dedicated to strengthening the presence of Arab and interaction With languages, and the digitization of knowledge and books by ... But will remain weak influence if not embraced by a national project Jabbar, the objectives of an integrated process specific ...!
(9) Three proposals ...
in The direction of this project, I offer three interrelated proposals for cultural and educational institutions, Arab, and Arab governments and the League of Arab States (though I hope dimmed So that convergence on deaf ears!):
(1) benefit from China's experience in translation, based on the techniques of the digital age: Open competitions for all translations (translators traditional, Students and professionals, authors, institutes and departments of translation), and rewards are given according to parameters selected by expert committees of arbitration, in light of the Arabic translation for the translation of the equivalent of ten thousand A book a year! ... These books can be translated in the Internet portals to reach for all, without having to print most of them necessarily! ...
(2) open competitions for university teachers Inside or outside the Arab world, develop their standards and choose their offers successful arbitration committees specialized portals aimed at building a digital model Arab lessons on the Internet for Arab students In various scientific and technical materials, using modern multimedia techniques! ...
(3) complete the infrastructure of the Arabic language on the Internet (automatic optical reader of characters, and a blog Of the Arabic language, Search Engines and software appropriate correction techniques, an ...) within 3 years! ...
(10) Conclusion
known that there are profound physiological relationship between thinking and language. Arab freeze (which did not know the radical reforms needed to keep pace with the times, like the rest of languages) is the anchor that pulls the ship and the Arab mind Tbaraka centuries ago! ... Delay Today to begin building a base infrastructure, which will bring them to fight a major digitization projects, expand the vast divide that separates Arabs from the rest of the developed world ...! Perhaps the metaphor
«Tortoise and the hare» today no longer appropriate to compare the speed of evolution of the Arab world in relation to the West and the Far East who have come to be, thanks to major digitization projects, like Winged Bunny! While Omst Slhvatna Arab dear lame, devoured by viruses! ...
there with the proposals made by an integrated process of this article, may contribute to the change Something, if any of them turns and wraps around and discuss, develop and turning it into a practical reality! ... Maybe the right key of the knowledge society, which no development or development without it! ...
thank from the depths, Mr. Adnan Aziz rods, the automatic translator: the probe, and Professor Inam eggs, Director of the Higher Arab Institute for Translation in Algeria, On a series of discussions with them that were so useful. Convicted of two strained my interest in many of the issues against this article which was not to his analysis and proposals to see the light Sometimes, but for interaction and debate with them ...!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Right Tempo Of Acapella Bpm
Penultimate ticket and a merry Christmas
The holiday season is the opportunity to take stock and reflect on the result, the following year.
past two and a half years to convince many readers gathered from all continents.
few figures
The blog has attracted over :
- 850 tickets
- 200 000 visits of which (70 000 Paperblog through derivatives and other sites)
- 500 000 page views
- 75,000 visitors including 25,000 regular and 5,000 very Regular
- 85% of visitors come Europe (mainly France, Belgium and Switzerland), 5% of America and 5% from Africa
- 10 minutes from time through reading ticket
- Wikio ranking between 1000 and on 2000 375 000 blogs (between 5 and 30 for international)
Again and probably the last, I thank the readers of these books of their visit.
For various reasons, I decided to quit to convince early 2011 and open a site reviews of books of strategy or tactic not related to current events. The publication rate is also lower to allow me to reinforce the bottom of tickets. The link will appear on the last post.
I wish you a happy holiday season and in particular a merry Christmas, you are in your family or your distant relatives.
Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission from the author. http://www.pourconvaincre.blogspot.com/ List To convince on facebook
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Replacing Front Wheel Bearings On Polaris Razor
The new strategic challenges
Site Information Club of participation and progress or Facebook.
I wanted to bring the next conference to be held December 13 at 18.30, in Paris, for which I am told that there are approximately 5 seater ...
The new strategic challenges, by the cons-Admiral (2S) Jean Dufourcq, Researcher at the I nstitute Strategic Research at the Ecole Militaire , Editor in Chief of the National Defense Review, Academician of marine
Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission from the author. http://www.pourconvaincre.blogspot.com/ List To convince on facebook
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Agarwal Iit Chemistry
A message to our troops overseas operations by Military Zone
A message to our troops overseas operations is a project set up by Military Zone for allow everyone to express his support and sympathy to the 8700 French soldiers who will spend the holiday of the year away from home and loved ones. To convince joins this excellent initiative. A word does not cost much time and (re) confirms much. Some thoughts on the Internet can mark your interest in the sacrifices of soldiers on operations and their families. Everything is explained here . Come and share the link.

Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission from the author. http://www.pourconvaincre.blogspot.com/ List To convince on facebook
What Subject Should I Put For An Email
scientific Decline, decline, period! Cafes
I read in the excellent technological war debate (s) the sentence of a co-author that I will not quote because it expresses a view widely shared by many people . This is not about people. " First, a basic reflection: no engineering training: it is a limit but it is also what allows you to take the height . If you understand, an engineer does not take up vis-à-vis the art but do not understand much about some techie help the better.

I propose a slightly different technological drift (always buy more high tech, ever more expensive). The main technological options are they still taken by engineers? No, most often it is the financial and policy makers who may not understand the ins and outs of choosing technological options. It then blames technology uninformed choices and, paradoxically, is blamed for increasing scientific obscurantism in science.
More broadly, engineering schools, young French people prefer move toward additional training in finance, communications or management (unlike many foreigners coming to train with us), knowing that business schools are very popular.
I do not even mention that professional courses are less popular (despised?) Than general education. It no longer produces enough to maintain our world-class long term, what is true in many areas.
A away from the production (industrial, agricultural, digital, weapons, etc..) And devalue (euphemism) those that produce the broad sense, we continue to "gain height", while discoursing on our fall and the alleged misdeeds of techno ... Amazing, no?
Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission from the author. http://www.pourconvaincre.blogspot.com/ List To convince on facebook
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Kates Playground Follanado
strategic No. 3 - Geostrategy maritime areas
For their third edition, Cafes Strategies (AGS) will be delighted to welcome on 8 December Professor Hervé Coutau-Bégarie who will talk about geostrategic maritime areas. Research Director the IDC, a researcher at IHESS, tireless leader Strategic and other journals, HCB has led for a time alone, the fundamental strategic research in France. Long specialized in naval strategy, he has written the ultimate reference, the Treaty strategy. We welcome, as usual, at the Concorde Café, starting at 19:00.
Reproduction strictly without permission of the author. http://www.pourconvaincre.blogspot.com/ List To convince on facebook
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Red Wine That Doesn't Give Heartburn?
Models and Strategy
A reaction to a recent published in March thinking Attack F. St V . He poses the question correctly model strategy. I offer some comments on the models.

Model nonmilitary
The model is there to represent reality, it has a dual aspect: imitation and representation. Representation, such as copying, are not the original reality but try to approach it. Modeling of reality is the basis of human culture in order to develop concepts, more or less complex to exchange / upgrade / modify / drop with other humans. Mathematics, philosophies, religions, physical sciences, the humanities have developed models describing reality. This list is not exhaustive. Without modeling the reality, it is almost certain that we would be close to the hunter-gatherer.
When a model is satisfactory for a given context, in a limited space-time. It seems to me that we can find two main possibilities:
1 / model adequately reflects the reality for what we want to do. It keeps it.
2 / model is not appropriate, therefore, the exchange (with the problem of the transition):
- replacing it with an existing model,
- developing a new model.

Performance model
My humble opinion on the models for conflict:
- We did not enough models in stock due to the lack of research on models. For now, we have 4 or 5 large models of war (two or three of regular war, two of irregular warfare). Sometimes a "school takes precedence over another" and that runs in time according to events, ways ... or the wind.
- models come in laws, theorems, principles, probability, etc.. Over the palette is larger, it is possible to find the tools to respond to problems.
- I saw little of the original models developed over the few years that I'm about. The new models are often recycling can be very intelligent. If they change relative to current models, they are not unprecedented.
- The Researchers propose some models. Large original proposals date back half a century with the advent of nuclear weapons. The U.S. Army has integrated the concept of modeling his planning method, which I seems a good methodological advance to stick to reality.
- models are mistaken for reality (a common drift) where some bitter disappointments because you can not bend reality to stick to the model (but can change model). We can deduce a model study of a conflict but the converse is a difficult sport.
- models need not always be proved as they work (beliefs, theorems in math, crypto keys, etc..). Not everything can be proved. I'm afraid to wait long for an answer to this problem philosophical (determinism / nondeterminism) unresolved since at least ancient times.
- models that are supposed to be applied are not always. Failure is not in style but what is done in reality. The men are challenged and it becomes easier to blame the model (neither good nor bad in absolute as relative) rather than its application. of U.S. COIN doctrine is really totally put out? The overall approach is applied?

In summary some models are relevant in some contexts (space-time and limited areas). Seek a universal model seems somewhat preposterous even if it's comfortable intellectually. Thus, the strategy (balance objectives, means and ways) to select one or more appropriate models that allow this match, changing template if necessary. The great difficulty, it must be said, lies in the choice and not in the model.
Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission from the author. http://www.pourconvaincre.blogspot.com/ Find To convince on facebook
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