"The only defense The United States has ... Nation Against Potential Threats and Other States In The Cyber World Is The National Security Agency " . That's what has Gates report, U.S. Secretary of State for Defence. The NSA is the last line of defense of U.S. threats State or non-state actors in cyberspace. Robert Gates believes that the United States have neither the manpower nor the finances to duplicate it in the context of security interior. According to the current trend, cyberspace in the United States becomes increasingly controlled by the defense (NSA and Army). Chinese companies and telecoms are under strategic control of a single party undemocratic country, we should not forget too quickly caught up in the euphoria of free trade and the fascination of a forced march to growth .

This must be related to an early cold war with China, competing economic and increasingly military in the eastern Pacific. Moreover, the Chinese that they have developed a cybernetic weapon (technically feasible) to divert Internet traffic? That's what we indicate Hangar Do Vinna , an abnormal deviation from the China part of the global traffic (including DoD, U.S. Senate, NASA, etc..), For 18 minutes, 8 April 2010, according to a report by the U.S. Congress . An error according to China (see here ). Cyber cold atmosphere!
In any case, there is less and less candid in cyberspace seems to me-he ...
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