The concept of resilience has been highlighted with the release of White Paper on Defence and National Security of 2008. This concept is not new. There has long been in the field of science, but what makes all of its meanings is the ability to absorb shock and return to the initial situation (or almost).

U.S. Gov . London second World War
applied social sciences, security and war, the concept becomes difficult to handle even more intellectually and operationally. To become useful, it must replace the simple recipes and ready to use, with solutions from the complex thought, that is to say from studies of the phenomena contextualized, using an approach systemic. Suffice to say that it is not won.
Reply to the issue of resilience is to find how to help people adjust exceptionally dangerous to events and to overcome them. Whole program.

For far exceed those few lines, I suggest the book by Joseph Henrotin (released this year's Spirit editions of the book) which deals Resilience in counterterrorism . You can find it in the correct libraries, bookstores or online at the main sales site.
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