Friday, November 30, 2007

Brooke Shields Gallery


1.Nietzsche, Posthumous Fragments of The Birth of Tragedy (with M. Haar) complete philosophical works, Paris, Gallimard, Vol.1, 1977

2.Jean Paul Preparatory Course Esthetics ( with AMLang), Lausanne, L'Age d'Homme, 1979

3.Maurice Blanchot Der Name Berlin / Berlin name (with H. Jelen), Berlin, Merve Verlag, 1983 (rewriting in French, with Helen Nancy, from English and Italian, with the consent of the author, a text lost in its original version, and here published with a German translation of Isolde Eckle - French version back in Coffee, No. 3, 1983, in "Berlin", a collection Liberation No. 4, Paris, 1989, in Po & sie No. 52 (ed. Belin ), 1990, in Lines, new series No. 03 (ed. Leo Scheer), October 2000, and Maurice Blanchot, Political Writings, 1958-1993 , Editions Leo Scheer-Lines, 2003 - Greek translation Vangelis Bitsoris , Logou Kharin No. 1, Athens, Bibliopôleion tes "Estia", 1990.

4.Walter Benjamin, "The dialogue "(with Ph.Lacoue-Labarthe), Hazard No. 6, 1985

5.Nietzsche, posthumous fragments of Untimely Meditations III and IV (with Ph.Lacoue-Labarthe), Works complete philosophical , Paris, Gallimard, vol.II, 2, 1988

6. Werner Hamacher, "The Second of Inversion", in Counter-Day , ed. Martine Broda, Paris ed. Cerf, 1986.


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